Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Marshall turns 5!!!!!

This blog post has been haunting me... the one where I return after 5 months of no updates.  I have completed my winter semester of school a few weeks ago and finally feel like I have the time (and the head space) to write.  I've really missed blogging and being able to express myself here.  I plan to do a couple of back dated posts in the next month, so for today I will just focus on Marshall's birthday!
Yesterday was Marshall's birthday... a whopping 5 years old with Kindergarten in his near future!  Next month marks the 2 year anniversary of Marshall's diagnosis of Autism (PDD-NOS).  I am just blown away with who my son is today, and just how far he has come.  We are just so blessed to have had an early diagnosis and that there is funding for intervention... Marshall has become a 'poster child' for early intervention and autism when you look at his progress!   He has really grown into his own character over the past year and continues to be a fun-loving, carefree, happy, jokey little dude.  His language continues to progress and almost daily I find myself pausing in thought or motion to reflect back something Marshall just said or asked, in awe of the complete (or almost) form!  He is becoming more aware of his surrounding in that he is talking about his schools and the friends and activities that happen there.  His social world is evolving and he is becoming more comfortable in scenarios that may have been big triggers in the past. 

Birthday parties.  Ugh.  I am not one of those Mom's who plans their kids' parties a year in advance.  I don't go all out with crazy decorations, cakes, or party games/crafts...my sister is one of those Moms.  haha.  In truth, I hate planning birthday parties.  lol.  I find them to be a source of stress... who do we invite? is the weather going to cooperate? what kind of food should I have?  do I have to bake a cake myself?  how much is this going to cost me?   Of course, I have to care a little bit because my kids count on me, but I am so thankful that they are pretty relaxed like myself and not demanding of elaborate events... quite possibly because unlike my sister, I haven't exposed my kids to amazingly planned and executed birthdays. lol.  If their friends come, there are presents and cake, they are happy!

Marshall has been talking about his birthday, about his party for several months now.  This year he knew who he wanted to invite and from both schools... the two he chose from preschool have autism as well (thought that was interesting).  Because we planned his party on his actual birthday which was a Monday, we invited the siblings of these kids.  What we ended up doing was having the preschool 2, plus moms, plus 3 siblings all over for lunch during the time between the two school schedules.  We left the NSAP friends for after school as there were many siblings as well (6), plus the 4 friends and the Moms. 

Two parties in one day, for someone who isn't a party planning lover... what was I thinking??  Well, i guess I just wanted to give my big boy a great birthday... 5 is a big one!  It was a busy day and the weather was HOT (30'c) and everyone had a good time... including me ;)  Marshall had a blast and loved having his friends here!!  I've been to a few parties with Marshall that did not go well for him.  Too many organized games and photos where those moments that us ASD Mom's hate to see our child be so different from the rest.  So, we had NO games, NO posed photos.  Total free time to play in our backyard using the trampoline, play structure, water table, and basketball hoop!  We ate a variety of ORANGE themed foods, and all had fun!  I love my backyard.  I am so thankful that we are able to host play dates where the kids are safe and have lots of areas to play, that allow for the Moms to have some good visiting time. 

Last year we told the families not to bring presents.  This year we enforced presents.  lol, jk.  We didn't say not to bring them... Marshall knows what birthday parties are supposed to look like now, and presents are the highlight.  I hate it.  But I know that it is exciting, and I always try to encourage my kids to give back, and to give and be satisfied in that alone.  But Marshall is 5, and I need to let him enjoy the gift part.... and he did, so much actually, that several times throughout the party I had to coach him back outside as he felt he needed to protect the presents on the table inside.  lol.  Turkey.

On Sunday we went out for lunch after Church with Nana and Grandpa, at Marshall's request, to Red Robin... or as he likes to call it, "Robin's House".  lol.  Tomorrow we will head to Nana's house for dinner where Marshall has requested hamburgers and icecream for dessert!  Grandpa started a theme with his grandkids this year of singing to them and posting it on facebook for their birthdays... it's so sweet.  Marshall loved it and wanted to watch it again and again!!  Later that day Marshall ran over to me and wanted to see the video of where Nana is singing happy birthday to him (LOL)... come on Mom, you don't want to disappoint him, do you?  I laughed so hard when he asked me this!  It's only funny for those who know how 'outspoken' she is ;)

Reflecting on both parties I just really see how much Marshall has matured.  In the past there would have been so many times where sharing his toys at a party would have been a nightmare.  He was so happy to have his friends over that he just enjoyed himself and we did not have one meltdown :)  The only issue was the presents in the house, and I had to use my persuasive ways to lure him outside (threatened that he wouldn't get cake, lol).  Oh! I just remembered there was one time where he started to lose it at the first party, and that was when he went into a panic and started to cry because they were leaving and I had forgotten about the goody bags we prepared for the kids. He was begging them to "please wait!" and stop walking towards the gate so he could run in the house and get them.  Can't knock him for that!!

Happy Birthday Marshall! 
You have inspired us, proven that with determination comes success, and loved beyond words.  You have taught me patience, how to put my feet in someone else's shoes, and you have stretched my smile far beyond it's limits.  We know that you will continue to succeed in your journey and we are so happy that God planned for us to be your parents.  We love you... more than chicken ;)

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