Friday, September 2, 2011

Goodbye Warren, Hello Miranda

Before i get started on the main topic of this post,
i must share with you our exciting news!!
I couldn't hold it in so you facebookers
already know...
that the extra contract funding we were hopeful
to get for an aide for Marshall for preschool
has been approved!!! Yahoo!
It works out well for us as the other family who's son is involved
already has someone that they'd like to hire
so Marshall can have the aide assigned to him,
the aide that everyone seems to love and admire :)
Both Karen and Melissa were so happy on the
phone when they called yesterday.
I love when others can share in your joy with you!
So now my worried soul can rest. lol.
I actually wasn't that worried anymore.
I just gave it back to God in Faith and knew that there was a
plan in all of this that would become clear in time.
Well, look how God took care of it when i gave it
to Him!! Too bad it's not so easy all the time ;)
Anyways, i am happy.
And i know now in confidence that Marshall will succeed...
and that's a good feeling.
I have mentioned Marshall's interventionist, Warren,
throughout the past month as he's been working together
with Marshall at Next Step.
We love him.
Marshall has bonded so well with Warren and it brings me
such joy to watch Marshall's face (and Warren's)
light up when they see eachother every morning.
Warren is only a summer relief worker...
and summer is over :(
Marshall's progress has been so amazing at Next Step
and of course, Warren has played a big role in that.
It is sad that we had to say goodbye to him today.
And it makes me really sad to know that
Marshall doesn't understand that today was a different
kind of goodbye... it was not a 'see you later' kind
of goodbye.
When i bring M into his classroom each day, he comes with
me to hang up his backpack and he is constantly
looking past me towards the door,
waiting to see his friend
walk through the door.
Once he sees him, he is so happy!!
This past week especially.
M starts 'talking' away super excitedly and he is all
eager to say goodbye to me and to start his day with Warren.
I'm a little scared for next week.
On Tuesday Marshall will start with Miranda,
who from what i can tell, is great also.
But she's not Warren.
Marshall will be looking for a face that will not come
through that door... and he will be sad...
and then i'll be sad.
It will be an adjustment for both of us.
And i know it will be ok
after Marshall catches on...
but will he have a sense of abandonment?
Jeepers i hope not.
I'm getting sad already.
Miranda will be great and Marshall will love her the same in time.
Today we brought a photo i took of Warren and Marshall
that i took yesterday, along with a thank-you card
that D helped color.
Warren is leaving for Korea on a 1 year contract
to teach English as a second language.
He is a good guy.
Warren will bless many other children and families
with his caring heart, i am sure of it.
What an awesome first step at Next Step!!
We have been blessed to have Warren be a part of the
beginning of Marshall's journey with Autism.
Thank you Warren.
I've sent the link to this blog along with the card,
but i'm not sure if Warren is as in love with
us as we are with him. lol.
If you do chose to stop in and see how your little buddy is
doing Warren, I'd like to say Thank you, again,
for everything.

1 comment:

  1. How did it go with Miranda? I'm sure he will love her too, but that was such a good way for him to start out, bonding like that.
