Friday, June 3, 2011


My husband and I saw the Autism testing team through Sunnyhill Autism Centre today and they have confirmed that Marshall, does in fact have Autism. PDD-NOS which stands for: Pervasive Development Disorder -not otherwise stated. He is thankfully on the high-functioning end of the spectrum.
It is not a surprise to us, but of course, we were hopeful that a label wouldn't be given... every parent wants to hear that their child is 'normal'. The big benefit of the 'label' for M of course, is that now he qualifies for government funding for therapy... which he needs.

Dr. Corinna Brown gave us the official diagnosis and she suggested strongly that Marshall get as much speech as possible as he is at a 1 year old level (he just turned 3) and that we get therapy for him to work on his social engagement. We have high hopes for Marshall, that his skills will develop and that because of the young diagnosis and intervention that will come, he has every chance at living a full life, depsite the challenges he will face. And above all, not only is he our son, but he is a child of God and we trust that His plan for M's life is greater than anything we can imagine!

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