Saturday, October 1, 2011

God of All Comfort

I really should have made an effort to
post on this blog
the very next day after the last post.
I am doing just fine!!!
I'm sure it will not be the last breakdown i ever have,
and i hope that it will be quite a while
before i go into that 'dark' place again... it can
be quite depressing.
Thankfully, i do not suffer from depression
or anything like that,
and when you look at how Marshall is doing
in the bigger picture of things,
how can i be anything but happy and proud!!
Thank you to those who sent me messages reminding
me of my purpose in this life,
and for encouraging me...
for loving me and my family.
I recieved an email from someone very close to me,
who is not an emotionally open person.
He spoke about how hard it is for him to express
how he feels, even through email,
and that perhaps he should try to (say kind things)
more often so it's not so hard.
It got me thinking about myself a lot.
I don't come from a very open family.
We all have our opinions
and will speak strongly about them. lol.
But we don't say "I love you" often... or ever.
But i know that i am loved by everyone -
but is knowing it the same as hearing it?
I always thought so... but after hearing it this week,
even through email,
i gotta say, that it feels pretty amazing.
It's a strange thing, often a scary thing,
to be vulnerable.
In writing this blog, i write it as my own journal.
It is open.
Everything is laid out.
And honestly, i have considered myself to be
quite closed (in the past) as far as these things are concerned.
God has put it on my heart to
to make myself vulnerable to the world.
To share about our journey,
about my son,
about all of it - both good and hard times.
There have been times when i've struggled but have
been reserved as far as this blog is concerned.
But i felt that in my 'breakdown',
my mourning of the loss of my 'normal' son
this past week,
i needed to share.
I couldn't ignore God's prompting of my heart.
It's not always easy to do.
But it is definitely a lot easier to do via this blog than
it is in person. lol.
If i need to stop typing to just keel over and bawl,
i can do that without an audience...
and last Tuesday, that's what it looked like.
Crying out to God as a lost lamb
is not easy for me.
I am strong.
I've got it together.
I can do this.
I, I, I.
But you know what?
I can't do it alone.
I needed strength beyond all human measure
this past week.
In your weakness, I am strong
says the Lord.
It has been a reminder that i
need to ask and accept His strength daily.
That it doesn't make me weak to admit
that i can't do it on my own...
if anything, it makes me stronger in my faith
and breaks me down before God.
I believe that needs to happen
in order for our eyes, minds and souls to be opened.
Open to His love, His arms.
It is humbling.
A friend of mine passed away in highschool.
She was a musician and wrote this beautiful song
with these lyrics that come to the surface often in my life.
God of all comfort, comfort me.
God of all mercy, come to me.
You heard my voice and rescued me.
Your child i will always be.
Take every day one at a time.
Be thankful that each day you can start fresh.
Learn. Laugh. Love.
Get out of your comfort zone
and let someone in... into your heart and soul.
It very well may be the hardest thing
you ever do,
but i will tell you, it will also be rewarding.
I have been amazed by how many
people have told me how this blog has touched them.
I have so much support on this journey.
Prayer that is much needed.
God's work in me, and my willingness to follow
Him and the passion He has placed on my heart,
has been such a blessing to me.
Thank you for coming along.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
Praise be to the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ,
the Father of compassion and the
God of all comfort,
who comforts us in all our troubles,
so that we can comfort those in any trouble
with the comfort we ourselves
have recieved from God.

1 comment:

  1. I read this way back when you first wrote it, but today i was packing and found in the margin of my notebook from bible school (Dec 9, '98) the words to Rachel's song. Thanks for sharing and the reminder!
