Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Picture Day

Today was picture day at ACS, Marshall's preschool.
Last night we picked out the clothes for the morning.
This morning i got up and ironed M's button
up shirt and put gel in Marshall's hair.
I fought with M to get the sleep out of his eyes and
to give his teeth a last minute brush.
He was ready.
He looked handsome... he is handsome!
Off to preschool we went
and the transition of leaving him went well as usual.
Picture taking and Marshall are a bit
of a hit or miss.
I was hopeful this morning.
I wouldn't be there, which sometimes is a good thing.
He would have Mary to guide him,
and a row of other kids to watch and to
follow by example... or so i thought.
I went to pick up Marshall from preschool and the
teachers let me know that the photographer
was late and that i needed to take
Marshall downstairs to the Art Room to get
his photo taken.
Hmmm. Ok.
Mary was with us and I asked her to come along
as perhaps he would take her guidance better
than my own since that is what he is used to
at preschool.
Marshall came out of his classroom and
wanted to change his shoes.
He understands routine... he lives for routine
i have come to realize.
Both Mary and I tried to guide Marshall to "walk" with
us down the hall, but he was confused.
He wanted his outside shoes on.
Mommy's here, it's time to go home.
Marshall was getting quite upset and was yelling
in frustration.
He was adament about his backpack and he
finally came along with us without changing his shoes,
but with his backpack in tow.
He held my hand as we headed down the stairs.
Mary told me that the only time they
go downstairs is to go to Gym time (which M loves)
so this might be even more confusing for him.
It was.
We found the Art room and Marshall was not happy.
There was a line of parents and children so about
5 kids in front of us.
Marshall had to wait, which as you know by now,
is not an easy task.
I stood holding him, knelt restraining him, tried to quiet him.
I was having a hard time.
Each and every parent in front of us stood proudly
beaming at their child who was sitting
on the box, smiling away, listening to instructions
from the photographer....
Then it was Marshall's turn.
He was laying on the ground screaming as i tried to
get him to come over to the box to sit.
Mary was trying to talk to him as well.
He became interested in the camera equipment
so i had to try and get him away from touching
or picking up anything... which made him madder.
Then he ran over to the paper rolls and started
pulling at them.
There was a long line of parents and children behind us.
I felt my tears coming,
but thankfully i held them back.
I brought M back to the camera area and he refused
to sit or to cooperate at all.
Then he ran over to a large desk and crawled underneath...
Mary and i got on the ground and tried to lure him out.
He wouldn't come.
I gave up.
Mary spoke to the photographer about when re-takes
were and then told me that next time she
would try to bring him in first thing
to get him comfortable with the space first.
Re-takes are on the 18th of next month...
i have been waiting for these photos to be over
to shave M's head.
It's getting harder to wash and too shaggy to gel.
Another 3 weeks... *sigh.
Once i told Marshall we were all done and could go,
he came out from under the desk and happily
walked back up to the stairs and to his classroom
where he could change his shoes.
We got out to the van and he started screaming
again, which he has been doing for
reasons i don't understand,
whenever we get outside and walk to the car from preschool.
I usually have to carry him screaming as he tries to
break my grip.
Then i have to force his seatbelt on and he (and I) is so
worked up from screaming and crying that
he wants my hugs,
which i give him once he's buckled.
We sit there hugging...
and today, i let myself cry in my sons arms.
I'm not sure i understand why i am so emotional over this today.
I can't even type this out right now without crying.
I know Marshall will get there in time.
But today, i wanted him 'there'... now.
Why can't he just wait like all the other kids?
Why won't he stop screaming?
Why won't he just sit on the seat and look at the camera?
Why can't he understand?
Why can't he be normal?
God, why is this Your choice for me....
for Marshall...
why do You think i can do this?
I don't feel strong enough for this.
Today it feels too hard.
Giving up is not an option....
and right now i need strength that i cannot
grasp on my own.
I knew that M getting his picture taken in such a formal
way could very well be a disaster,
so it doesn't really make sense that after this morning,
i feel so overwhelmed
at the thought of being the mother of a child with ASD.
I don't have mini-meldowns often, but today, i am.
I have been told that it is natural to have
days where you mourn the loss of having a normal child...
and i have thought that that was somewhat ridiculous.
But today i get it.
Today i'm there.
And i am thankful that tomorrow is a new day.
My kids are my life and i love them
more than words can say.
I am their Mom, and i am so blessed to be.
I will do everything i can to give them the best
life possible.
God give me strength.

1 comment:

  1. You ARE their Mom, and an amazing one at that. They are SO blessed to have YOU. You do everything you can to give them the best lives possibles and this is all entirely because God gives you strength. Hang in there lovely. You have persevered and done so well. I can't imagine how draining this must all be on you. You're bound to be exhausted and pining for normalcy.

    Think back to a month or two ago...M has made such tremendous leaps. He has done SO well. He has amazed us all. He's bound to have some down times too. And when others are watching, everything feels exaggerated.

    Jeremiah 29:11 xoxoxo
