Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Performances

This was Marshall's first year being a part of Christmas
performances, and he was a part of two!
On the last day of preschool,
Marshall's class had a party where the parents
were invited.
My husband took the day off as both of
the little kids had Christmas performaces during school hours
and on the same day, so it worked out well.
The kids had been practicing Christmas songs
for weeks, but of course, Marshall
does not have the language to tell
me about anything he does at school.
I pick up on some things based on the crafts he brings
home, or Mary his aide will inform me.
Marshall did give me a little taste of
his singing when i brought home
a hair elastic with bells on it for his sister to wear.
He started shaking the bells and belting out,
"Jingle bells, Jingle bells, Jingle all the way!
Oh... fun.... ....... sleigh, HEY!!!"
I was shrieking with excitment when he first did this!
It was so cool to hear,
and also, i've never heard him string that many
words together!
(We phoned several family members so he could sing it to them!
He is really into talking on the phone lately :))
I mentioned to Marshall's teacher Mrs. K that M
had sung some of Jingle Bells at home and
she had stated that "if he sings half as loud
during the performance as he does in practice,
it will be awesome!"
Well, the day of the performance came
and Marshall participated in everything...
but he kept pretty silent through it.
He did all of the actions and
seemed to really enjoy it all,
and he did shout out "HEY!" with his arm raised
during the appropriate time during Jingle Bells :)
After the singing time,
there were crafts set up at a few tables
which Marshall enjoyed as well.
After coffee/juice and some snacks,
the parents were free to leave.
Danny and I were talking with a couple of the parents
as well as the teachers and were the last
ones to leave.
One of the teachers commented on how well Marshall did
how very often, the families with
Special Needs kids are the first to leave
as these situations can be overwhelming for the child...
and look at us, the last ones to leave :D
Marshall had a great time as did we.
One of the Moms approached me at the craft table
and said that her daughter talks about Marshall often.
This made me happy.
Another time this morning, Miss Mary pointed out
this same little girl and said that the two
often play really well together. Awww.
Making friends is often difficult for children with Autism,
and look at Marshall, making a friend.
So sweet.
The second Christmas performance Marshall was to be involved
in is the one that we do at our church.
They have been practicing Sunday mornings since
October. There were a lot of songs for the kids to learn,
and then acting parts in between each song that
were done by some of the older kids.
I took Marshall into the practice area
several times, and he would scream and run out as soon
as we'd set foot in the room.
I wasn't going to force it as who knows what the heck
he would do on stage anyways.
Then we had our turn with the cd at home
a few weeks ago so his sister
could practice the songs.
By the end of the week, Marshall was really into a few of the
songs. He was dancing and doing some of the actions
as well as singing a little bit!!
So, the following Sunday, i took him into practice again
and he walked right up to the group of kids
and found his spot!
I sat in during the practice and M was actually participating
for one of the songs where there are a lot of
actions. After that song he was done and
came over to me and we left the practice.
The following Sunday my parents took the kids to church
and my sister told me that M stayed in the practice the whole
time! Ok, so what will he do during the real deal??
The Sunday before the Christmas play
they had a rehersal on the stage.
I decided to take Marshall to this to better gauge
whether or not he could be on the stage
during the live performance.
Ideally i would love to see him up there of course,
but if he was creating problems or being too
distracting, i felt i needed to respect everybody else involved
and pull him out.
Well, Marshall was eager and went on the stage
with the other kids. He kinda participated
doing some of the actions,
but he often just stood there or turned around,
or looked up at the spot lights squinting and what not.
During the times when the kids sit down
was where most of the problems arose
as Marshall could not keep quiet.
He kept talking and jammering and we were
constantly shushing him.
Near the end of the play, the kids all move to the back
of the stage so that one of the children can do back
flips and hand springs and such.
Well, Marshall thought this was a cool idea,
so when he saw her doing it,
he got on the floor in the middle of the stage and started
doing his own gymnastic routine! lol.
It was pretty funny, and i thought the audience
might enjoy it, but really, it was a big hazard
to have M up there with her doing her tricks...
and the Director didn't seem to fond of the
idea of having M rolling around on the stage. lol.
I tried to get him to stay in line with the kids but that concept
was lost on him.
after practice i decided that i would not put him on stage at all.
He was too loud during the speaking parts
which would really take from the story.
But now that i'd allowed him to go on the stage with the kids
for rehearsal, was he going to sit nicely in the
audience and just observe Sunday morning? Hmmm... doubtful,
but i thought we'd just have to try it and see.
I talked to a few family members as well as some church
friends about how i was going to keep M from
being a part of the play.
Everyone said to me that they wanted to see Marshall up
there and that i should put him up there.
I wanted to, but i didn't want him to ruin it.
Church started and during the Directors intro,
Marshall had to go pee.
So i took him out of church to the washroom
which i thought might actually work out well as Marshall
would not see all of the kids enter the stage and be
screaming that he'd want to go too.
We came out of the washroom and the kids were singing
on stage. As we walked down the stairs
towards the front of the chapel where we were sitting,
Marshall kept looking at me saying, "sing".
Yikes, well, lets try to sit down.
I guided him into our row of seats and he didn't want to
sit down... he kept pointing to the stage saying SING!
I said "no no" a few times and he came to me.
Then the kids moved onto the next song,
Marshall's favourite song with all the dancing in it.
Marshall was asking and asking to sing
and i looked over at my husband and asked if i should let him
go up there and he shrugged.
So i let him out of the row and he very slowly crept up to
the stage. He ran across the front of it to the stairs on
the other side. I waited to see what exactly he
was going to do.
Well, he walked up the stairs and across the stage to where
the kids were dancing... i knew the WHOLE chuch had
their eyes on my son. I sat in my seat waiting
for what was to come too!
Marshall paused in his spot on the stage
and the broke into the dance routine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was HILARIOUS!!!!!
The whole church was laughing and Marshall was
having a blast up there smiling and dancing away.
My husband and I were laughing as well.
Goodness Marshall, you are not shy!!
Tears were running down my face i was laughing so hard...
and then as the laughter calmed down i was confused
at how many tears i was having to wipe away still,
and the i realized,
i'm crying.
There were a lot of emotions flowing through me
and i was just so proud of my little guy up there
just being himself with the love of our church
behind him.
The title of the play is called The Christmas Star,
and Marshall was definitely a Star :)
If you are facebook friends with me, you can
go to my wall and watch the 2 minute video my
brother in law took of Marshall's moment of fame!
I've watched it at least 20 times already. lol.
Marshall sat down with the kids when the song was over
and as the audience clapped (mostly for M i'm sure),
Marshall clapped happily as well.
It was a pretty amazing moment for Marshall,
one i'll never forget.
I couldn't believe it, but when all the kids sat down
during the acting parts, M did too, and he was actually quiet!!
I came down to the front so i could grab him if i needed
to, but he did pretty good for a while.
There was a handheld mike that needed to be used by
the girl standing beside Marshall for an upcoming solo.
The director, not really thinking about it,
laid the microphone down in the garland on the stage
right near this girl... and Marshall.
Well, Marshall stopped singing and moving and he went into
a total zone.... he did not take his eyes off of the mike!! lol.
The laughter in the audience as we all waiting in anticipation,
was contaigeous. It was a growing laughter which
is the best kind in my opinion.
I sat on edge, waiting at any moment to jump up and grab
him... but he just stood there staring. lol.
Then he got distracted and the director handed the mike
to the little girl without M noticing.
But then shortly after, he saw that the mike was now in her
hands. He turned his body toward
her and just stared at that mike in her hands.
Everyone was laughing.
I just laughed and watched him.
He reached out once for it but retracted. lol.
Then, of course right when she was supposed to start her solo,
Marshall reached for it, grabbed it, and attempted to
pull it away from her! oh no!!
I jumped up and grabbed it from him and gave it back to her
and then pulled Marshall off the stage.
I felt terrible, i still feel terrible.
The little girl missed her cue and ended up coming in late
for her solo :(
The mike was not turned on so it made me feel a bit better
knowing that the solo wouldn't have been heard either way,
but still.
I went over to her parents right after the program was over
and apologized and they brushed it off saying that it was
totally fine. But i'm sure they were just being nice.
*sigh, what can you do?
I kept Marshall off of the stage after that,
although he really fought me to get on there during the
gymnastic routine. lol.
After church was over, i think every little group gathered
throughout the church had Marshall
as the topic of conversation. Pretty cool.
Many people approached me to say how happy they were
to see M on the stage and how sweet and
memorable he made this Christmas.
A great memory for sure.
Marshall, you are our STAR!!
I will post more about Christmas events we took part
in this year, but most likely after Christmas is over.
So i'd like to wish you and your family a very
from our home to yours.
Blessing to you all!

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