Saturday, July 16, 2011

Birthday Parties

We recently attended two little boys' birthday parties.
Both D and Marshall were invited
and I stayed for both events.
Both of these parties were cousins of the kids' so
the parents themselves are very understanding of
Marshall and our struggles at times.
But there are many other parents and unfamiliar
kids, at these two parties anyways,
and Marshall had a hard time.
The one party had 26 kids (crazy eh!)
and was held in a school gym/preschool room.
I knew that there were going to be a lot of gym type
activities including a bouncy castle
so i thought...
open space, room to run, big room=big sound
and the bouncy castle should seal the deal
of a successful time for Marshall.
Ummm... NOT!
He did...ok.
This was the 26 kid party and so there was a lot
of activity which Marshall was ok with
(and is usually ok with).
There were stations set up around the gym
and that's where the challenges started.
There was a photo station where
a mother and daughter team were trying to talk
to Marshall to get him to put on silly clothes and
then to pose for a photo.
He kept running away but they were following him...
these situations are so hard, for me.
I make my i'm sorry face and then state,
"He has Autism and very little language."
Is this my new introduction for my son?
I'm not lovin' it.
Marshall is Marshall.
Marshall is not simply autistic,
but i feel like that's what i'm saying when i say it.
Like i'm the one giving him the label.
I hate that.
Marshall was playing well on his own, well, with me
guiding him around to the different activities
and quite enjoyed the hula hoops.
There were bowling pins and a ball and again,
he did well until he saw other kids playing it and
then it became his mission to run over,
knock their pins over, and steal their ball.
One boy in particular told me right out a few
times, "Your boy is wrecking my game,
he is ruining everything and he won't stop."
Well guy, i am trying to drag him away...
can't you see that!!
I wasn't mad at the little boy,
and i wasn't mad at my little boy either.
They don't understand eachother...
and it saddend me to think that M may never be
understood by other children.
Right now, he's not even understood by half
of the adults he has contact with.
To that child, and to other parents,
Marshall looks like a kid with bad parents.
A kid whose parents must let him get away with
A kid who has no discipline at home.
A kid who is stared at and called different.
Marshall tried to escape the gym several times and
i had to drag him back screaming.
Then it was snack time which he did well with.
Then all of the kids went outside to
the playground.
Marshall loves playgrounds and has never
struggled with physical activities.
He does however,
struggle with change at times and i didn`t
know if i`d be able to get him to leave the playground.
Well, he took a few minutes longer than the rest of the
kids, but once i started walking away,
he did follow me and was happy...
til we got to the door and he
figured out that i was trying to get him back into
the school.
We went to the classroom to have cake
but Marshall ran off screaming.
I was exhausted and just wanted
to sit and relax a bit.
I sat there with my cake while my sis took
over chasing for a bit, and
I looked around at the 25 other children
as they sat properly at the tables
and ate their cake and used their manners.
Marshall will get there right?
I am hopeful.
But he is not there yet, at least not
on this particular day.
Then during gift time, Marshall just wanted
to grab all of the Cars bags to play with,
and one had a helium balloon attatched to it so that
became a problem,
especially when all of the kids grabbed their gifts
and the balloon became within reach.
Once again,
ALL of the other kids sat near the bday boy and
were anxiously waiting their turn for
him to open their gifts...
and there i sat somewhat restraining Marshall,
hoping he`d get over it and just be happy again.
That didn`t happen.
I asked my dear friend, the mother of the bday boy,
to open our gift first so D wouldn`t be
disappointed as i knew we`d have to leave pretty quick.
M wanted that balloon.
He was screaming for that balloon.
The little boy who brought the balloon didn`t like
Marshall trying to grab the balloon.
All of the kids and the mom`s that were there were
just watching me, and watching my son,
and his tantrum just escaladed.
I told D we needed to go and she is so easy,
bless her heart,
she just said, ok mom!
She walked beside me while i tried to balance
my bag as i pretty much dragged M
screaming all the way
(long hallway and much echoing!)
to the car.
My cousin followed us out with goody bags which
calmed M down somewhat.
So exhausting.
He fell asleep on the drive home.
The second birthday party was at one of those indoor
play places. The place was packed with kids.
We don't attend those places regularly
so they are unfamiliar.
When we walked in the door,
one of the workers there deemed it necessary
for Marshall, for all kids at the party,
to wear a bracelet.
Well, M didn't want to wear a bracelet.
I was kinda torn cause people were starting to look
over and the worker was trying to talk to
Marshall and explain...
ahhhh...ok Lady.
I just told you that he will NOT
wear socks due to him having Autism and you think
you can explain this bracelet to him?
He was screaming at this point as i was holding
him down so she could strap that stupid thing
to him. He was mad... and i was sweating. lol.
She got it on and then i yanked off M`s sandals
and he ran to the play area, sat down,
and started screaming as he tried to rip the bracelet
off... i went over and ripped the stupid thing off.
Everyone was watching our little show.
During the tantrum, people who were
kinda near us moved away.
It was a 5 minute moment i am happy to forget!
The rest of the time at that party,
Marshall ran through the play area and really
had a blast. He wouldn`t go up to the
food area to sing and have cake when everyone
else did... but he eventually, on his own,
wandered up the stairs and so we had cake and juice
after everyone else was done.
Then we came down the stairs, played for a bit longer,
and then we had to leave.
I gave my 5 minute countdown warnings each time
Marshall and D came out of the play area.
Then when i counted, one more minute, one more time...
M didn`t come out of the play structure.
So..... i tried to call him out - yeah right.
Eventually he came down to the bottom and i had to
race over and grab him out.
He was not happy with me.
I told him we were all done and he got mad.
Then i tried to put on his sandals... he fought me.
Then i dragged him to the front door screaming...
and of course, had quite the audience as we walked
through the door and walked to the car.
Ahhh... strapped in the carseat.
I can breathe again.
I wonder to myself...
is this just plain maddness that i even try?
It`s hard on Marshall,
and it`s hard on me,
and these birthday parties are so exhausting
by the end...
and leaving on such a terrible note is not fun.
I don`t know.
I want to try and live our lives as normal as
possible, to not let Autism affect
every part of our lives.
But i`m coming to terms with the fact
that our lives don`t end because of this diagnosis...
they do however,
change how we live our lives.
Accepting that feels easy some days...
and others, it is so very hard.
But we will not give up on birthday parties yet!
I will ask a lot of questions and
definitely weigh all of the options before i tackle
another one with Marshall though.
We shall see.

1 comment:

  1. I love that Marshall was able to be at Parker's birthday party, as well as you and Devyn. I can't imagine how exhausted you are at the end of these events, but know that not everyone is judging you or Marhsall (I'm not going to deny that some are, which is embarrassing for me as their friends...). But there are a lot of amazing women there who would have nothing but empathy for you and the challenges you face daily.

    Keep your faith my sweet friend/cousin...God has a plan here, and as tough as it might be to understand it, know that you are surrounded by friends and family who love YOU. Who love your courage to face each day with whatever it brings. Who love your amazing sense of humour through all of the garbage you deal with. Who love your mothering. Who know that you have a heart for children, and that you're doing everything you can to help make Marshall's life more "normal" (is there a "normal"?) and the best that it can be. Who admire your strength, patience and understanding. Who value your friendship and who treasure ALL of your children.

    I love you lady...praying for a renewal of strength and determination for you to face the day and months ahead.

