Thursday, July 28, 2011

Things to Celebrate!

I have covered quite a bit of ground with
my posts on this blog.
A lot of the stories i've shared
have come with some backround
and end up being quite lengthy.
I'm sure there will still be long posts in the future,
as i am a woman of many words... in case
that hasn't been obvious. lol.
But today, after a pretty typical week,
I'd love to share some happy stories.
Simple stories... simple moments
where i was proud of my son,
where he was proud of himself...
where only happiness was found.
Marshall does not dress himself,
well, i guess it's better to say that he can't.
He has tried to pull up his elastic shorts once or twice
and he kinda got them on.
He will push his arms through his shirt
himself, but has no idea how to even start to
put it on over his head himself.
If i hold up his jacket, he will put his arms in the right
holes and then wait for me to zip it up...
if he grabs a jacket himself, he is quite lost with it.
He will jam his feet into his shoes and then
whine for me to push them in the
rest of the way...
rarely does he even try to close the velcro.
So, i suppose it's fair to say that
Marshall is incapable of dressing himself -
a question i have been asked often
in all of the recent testing.
He doesn't show a ton of interest in wanting
to be independant in the area of dressing...
and his sister D never was either.
I have just always done it...
and perhaps hindering the kids from
learning? I dunno.
I will say though, that Marshall has
NO problem taking his clothing off! lol.
Well, Marshall had a big day this week.
I guess he prefers the other image of
Toy Story pullup (there are 2)
than the one i had just put on him.
I watched him (without him realizing)
as he removed the diaper,
walked to the carpet and sat down,
opened the pullup wide enough so
his little feet could fit through the holes,
wiggle it up his legs,
then stand up and continue to pull
the rest of his diaper up
even over his bum until it sat perfectly!
Of course, this big accomplishment is only big
for a child with developmental delays.
It is not a moment i ever remember
celebrating with my little girl...
but that's one thing
that is so different with Marshall.
Each little step is such a milestone for him...
and that's ok,
and because of the big-ness of it for him
at this time, i will make note of it,
and share it with the world...
and smile.
Marshall has limited comprehention.
Well, i guess it's better to say that due to his
lack of language (in large part),
i have no idea what he does and doesn't understand.
I mean, i have some idea,
but M probably gets away with a lot because i
have trouble being stern with him
in times of tantrum behaviour...
because i don't feel it's fair to 'punish' him
when i'm not even sure he understands
why he can't have something,
or why he can't go somewhere,
or why he can't eat or drink what he's asking for.
It's been a struggle.
Anyways, i'm getting off track here...
and while i'm talking about getting off track,
i should just go ahead and take back
my earlier comments about how
this was going to be a shorter post. lol.
SO... back to comprehention.
I was in the kitchen getting D's medicine ready
before bedtime.
Marshall came running up to me holding a
container asking me to "open".
I didn't mind if he played with it for a bit
in his bed while he wound down,
so i opened it for him.
I watched him over the counter as he went
back to the peg board that he had placed
on the floor of the livingroom
and was about to start playing right there with it.
Now, i talk to Marshall all the time...
and not just simple one word phrases to him
either. I do use one or two word phrases often,
but i will use a sentence and kinda feel like
i'm mostly talking to myself.
I wasn't even looking at Marshall but was still
dealing with the meds on the counter, but
i said out loud,
"No no Marshall, you play in your bed."
I didn't expect anything.
But out of the corner of my eye,
i watched M place his container of pegs onto
the peg board, pick up the peg board
and walk down the hall.
My jaw dropped.
Sure enough, i follow my son down the hall
to find him in his bed with the toy...
like i had asked him to.
Big moment there folks, big moment.
I went into his room and hugged him and praised
him with simple words i hope he
understood... he was all smiles :)

So those were the two exciting things for this week!!
Things that a lot of parents take
forgranted that their 3 year old children can do...
pull up their own diaper (clothes)
and follow a simple instruction.
There are going to be so many more
big moments in Marshall's future
and i will be recording all of them!!
And for once, it is quite refreshing for me to
journal with a joyful heart :)
I posted a while back about swimming at my Uncle's pool...
how each time we go, Marshall gets more comfortable,
and how the last time, he even came
into the water with me.
Well, today was the best day yet!!
Marshall wore his life jacket and one of
those floaty rings and he was in the water for
majority of the time... and
not clinging to me either!
He floated around in the pool like he was
just chillin and taking in the sun. lol.
He looked like he should have a drink with an
umbrella in it in his hand!
I am so proud of him.
A good day... a good week!!
Thank you Jesus,
in all things we give You praise.

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