Friday, July 22, 2011

Hearing Tests

About a year and a half ago we got Marshall's
hearing checked out at the Health Unit here in Abbotsford.
At that time, we were just starting to look
into M's speech delays, and so one of the first
things that you do is get their hearing checked, obviously.
You want the news that nothing is wrong and that
your child has perfect hearing...
but at the same time,
having them tell you that he is hard of hearing
would give us an answer and perhaps
it is just fluid which can be drained, and then
boom- he'll start talking!
The day of the appointment, i dropped D off at my
sister's and Marshall and i headed in about
15 minutes early. I thought perhaps there
was some paperwork i'd need to fill out and i was hopeful
that since it was first thing in the morning
that they'd take us in early.
They didn't take us in early...
and Marshall was not happy to wait.
I was trying to fill out several pages of paperwork
and M would not sit in the chair.
He was screaming and kept getting off
and running down the hallways.
It was bad.
The immunization area was filled with
babies and parents and
they were all coming over to my little space
to see why this child was screaming
bloody murder.
Their babies were crying from M's racket.
The people who worked there were
venturing out of their offices to see what was
wrong as they watched me chasing
Marshall through the building with
him screaming.
The person doing the testing came out
to the lobby 15 minutes late.
I was not impressed.
Half an hour with an unhappy little boy
and i had no hope of him cooperating in that
hearing testing booth after all this.
I told the technician that i've been waiting
for half an hour and that M was done
being here already.
The tech looked at me and stated,
"We never take patients right at the appointment
time. Typically we get them 15-30 minutes
after their appointment time."
Ummm... what?
How nice for me. Of course, they aren't
going to tell you that they don't get you on time
when they book the appointment. So lame right?
We walked down the hall together,
the hall M and i were all too familiar with
with the past half hour of chasing him down them.
The testing room is tiny... and it was so stuffy
and hot in there.
Marshall and I were already hot from all of the
running and crying (him not me, although i was close-lol),
so the last place either of us wanted to be in
was a stuffy dark box.
M wanted out of there, badly.
After a while he settled down and sat at the table,
he did take to the testing and looked when he heard
noise and when the tv's came on.
Then they tried to put head phones on him.
Ahh yeah, no.
Then they put some device in his ears...
that went over well.
I had to try and restrain him while they did this.
And then we were done...
well, M was done before it began.
They did manage to get a reading on his hearing
but it was not complete.
The tech stated that they got enough of a reading
to know that M's lack of speech is not related
to him not hearing... which is what i expected
as he seemed to hear things at home just
fine. He just didn't always
respond to his name... which we now know is
just because he's in his own world at times.
The tech said that we should bring Marshall in again
in 6 months time to get a complete test.
So that was a year and a half ago.
I have not had any concerns with Marshall's hearing
since then so i have not booked the
dreadful appointment.
But now with M going to school soon,
i figured i should get on top of that and also
get his eyes checked (app. booked in September),
which has never been done.
This past week i took Marshall in
for his second hearing test.
I came in right on time. lol.
M was in a good mood and he held my hand
nicely as we walked into the office.
M wanted up so i picked him up as i spoke to the
girl at the desk.
Marshall had brought a car along and
the lady said, "Oh look! I have a car too!"
She showed Marshall her little VW van she had
and he reached out to grab it and she gave it to him.
I knew he wasn't going to give it back willingly.
We sat down in the chairs and M actually sat
and played nicely with his 2 cars.
It was quite relaxing for all of 3 mintues :)
Then the tech came to get
us and i tried to trade the secretary's car
out of M's hand for my hand,
real slick like hoping he wouldn't notice...
he noticed.
And then he was screaming
the whole way down to the testing booth.
He didn't want to go in there,
he didn't want to sit down,
he didn't want to play.
So he sat with me crying into my shoulder
and covering my shirt with snot - lovely.
The guy who was trying to get Marshall to
play with him at the table
would not talk to M.
I know we are supposed to be quiet,
but M doesn't know what's going on,
at least try to engage with him to get him
interested in what you're doing!
They did know that M has Autism.
So i just started talking,
and then Marshall became interested
in the spinning of the toy game.
He came off my lap.
He looked when he heard the sounds
and he stopped crying and did that whole portion
of the testing well.
The tech came out of the room
and said that she'd gotten a good reading,
better than the last time.
She said she wasn't even going to try to put
the headphones on as she didn't think
he'd respond well to that.
Smart lady. lol.
The only downfall to not being able to do the
other tests is that we don't know
if M is only hearing out of one ear.
We will go back and try again in a years time.
Marshall can hear.
One less obstacle :)

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