Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Picture Day

Today was picture day at ACS, Marshall's preschool.
Last night we picked out the clothes for the morning.
This morning i got up and ironed M's button
up shirt and put gel in Marshall's hair.
I fought with M to get the sleep out of his eyes and
to give his teeth a last minute brush.
He was ready.
He looked handsome... he is handsome!
Off to preschool we went
and the transition of leaving him went well as usual.
Picture taking and Marshall are a bit
of a hit or miss.
I was hopeful this morning.
I wouldn't be there, which sometimes is a good thing.
He would have Mary to guide him,
and a row of other kids to watch and to
follow by example... or so i thought.
I went to pick up Marshall from preschool and the
teachers let me know that the photographer
was late and that i needed to take
Marshall downstairs to the Art Room to get
his photo taken.
Hmmm. Ok.
Mary was with us and I asked her to come along
as perhaps he would take her guidance better
than my own since that is what he is used to
at preschool.
Marshall came out of his classroom and
wanted to change his shoes.
He understands routine... he lives for routine
i have come to realize.
Both Mary and I tried to guide Marshall to "walk" with
us down the hall, but he was confused.
He wanted his outside shoes on.
Mommy's here, it's time to go home.
Marshall was getting quite upset and was yelling
in frustration.
He was adament about his backpack and he
finally came along with us without changing his shoes,
but with his backpack in tow.
He held my hand as we headed down the stairs.
Mary told me that the only time they
go downstairs is to go to Gym time (which M loves)
so this might be even more confusing for him.
It was.
We found the Art room and Marshall was not happy.
There was a line of parents and children so about
5 kids in front of us.
Marshall had to wait, which as you know by now,
is not an easy task.
I stood holding him, knelt restraining him, tried to quiet him.
I was having a hard time.
Each and every parent in front of us stood proudly
beaming at their child who was sitting
on the box, smiling away, listening to instructions
from the photographer....
Then it was Marshall's turn.
He was laying on the ground screaming as i tried to
get him to come over to the box to sit.
Mary was trying to talk to him as well.
He became interested in the camera equipment
so i had to try and get him away from touching
or picking up anything... which made him madder.
Then he ran over to the paper rolls and started
pulling at them.
There was a long line of parents and children behind us.
I felt my tears coming,
but thankfully i held them back.
I brought M back to the camera area and he refused
to sit or to cooperate at all.
Then he ran over to a large desk and crawled underneath...
Mary and i got on the ground and tried to lure him out.
He wouldn't come.
I gave up.
Mary spoke to the photographer about when re-takes
were and then told me that next time she
would try to bring him in first thing
to get him comfortable with the space first.
Re-takes are on the 18th of next month...
i have been waiting for these photos to be over
to shave M's head.
It's getting harder to wash and too shaggy to gel.
Another 3 weeks... *sigh.
Once i told Marshall we were all done and could go,
he came out from under the desk and happily
walked back up to the stairs and to his classroom
where he could change his shoes.
We got out to the van and he started screaming
again, which he has been doing for
reasons i don't understand,
whenever we get outside and walk to the car from preschool.
I usually have to carry him screaming as he tries to
break my grip.
Then i have to force his seatbelt on and he (and I) is so
worked up from screaming and crying that
he wants my hugs,
which i give him once he's buckled.
We sit there hugging...
and today, i let myself cry in my sons arms.
I'm not sure i understand why i am so emotional over this today.
I can't even type this out right now without crying.
I know Marshall will get there in time.
But today, i wanted him 'there'... now.
Why can't he just wait like all the other kids?
Why won't he stop screaming?
Why won't he just sit on the seat and look at the camera?
Why can't he understand?
Why can't he be normal?
God, why is this Your choice for me....
for Marshall...
why do You think i can do this?
I don't feel strong enough for this.
Today it feels too hard.
Giving up is not an option....
and right now i need strength that i cannot
grasp on my own.
I knew that M getting his picture taken in such a formal
way could very well be a disaster,
so it doesn't really make sense that after this morning,
i feel so overwhelmed
at the thought of being the mother of a child with ASD.
I don't have mini-meldowns often, but today, i am.
I have been told that it is natural to have
days where you mourn the loss of having a normal child...
and i have thought that that was somewhat ridiculous.
But today i get it.
Today i'm there.
And i am thankful that tomorrow is a new day.
My kids are my life and i love them
more than words can say.
I am their Mom, and i am so blessed to be.
I will do everything i can to give them the best
life possible.
God give me strength.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Potty TrainING

Marshall has had such success in regards to
potty training over the past few days i just have to talk
about it again!!
Saturday, the first day he decided that using the toilet
was for him, he peed 5 times and even did his
business once!
For a good month now, Marshall has been telling
me when he feels he has to either pee or poo.
He has not allowed for me to even take
him into the bathroom half the time, nevermind sit.
So last Saturday,
Marshall would do as he always does and would
tell me when he feels he needs to go...
but then he would actually come to sit
and he would actually go!
I have thought that Marshall has been dry through
the night for about a year already,
i tell everyone that.
But now i'm not so sure.
There are mornings where he comes into my room
completely dry, but then other days
he comes with a full fresh pee.
I have just assumed that he is only peeing in the
morning when he wakes up.
Well, both Saturday night and Sunday night,
Marshall peed in his bed.
I really didn't expect this!
So now i'm wondering if on those mornings when
he comes with a full diaper, if it is perhaps
his second pee in that diaper and that in fact,
he is actually going during the night.
I dunno.
This is all new to Marshall, going on the potty that is,
so perhaps he is peeing at night
just starting now.
He woke up each time and was quite upset about it :(
So, he will wear Pullups to bed for now.
Sunday morning Marshall reverted back to having
anxiety about peeing on the potty.
He was freaking out,
similar to what he'd been doing on Friday
when he had to go so badly, but wouldn't...
not in the potty anyways.
We had a busy Sunday with our Church Fall Kickoff
in the morning, so after he peed in his diaper
at home in the morning,
i kept him in a diaper for church.
He didn't ask to go once at church and we were there
for lunch as well.
We came home around 1:30pm
and I wanted Marshall to take a nap as we were heading
to my parents' to celebrate my Opa's birthday
that evening.
I tried to encourage Marshall to pee
before i put him to bed,
but he again was totally panicky and ended
up going in his diaper.
I was frustrated but not super upset...
M had such a great day yesterday and i knew he'd
get it back. I was hopeful it'd be sooner than later
of course.
At the birthday party, Marshall told me several times
he needed to pee, and so i took him to the potty.
He sat, he played around, he didn't pee.
He peed in his diaper :(
But then....
we came home and gave Marshall a bath.
During his bath he stood up and said, "ow"
and was grabbing by his bum.
I asked him, "poo-poos in the potty?"
He said, "potty".
He let me take him out and put him on the seat...
and he went poo!!
He was quite proud of himself :)
Then right before bed time he told me "pee" again and
so i took him and he went!!!
It was great to have a successful evening after a disappointing
day of toileting.
As i said, he did pee during the night in his bed.
Then this morning,
i was waiting to see where he was at...
and sure enough, around 9am he told me,
i took him, he peed!!
Then again at 11am.
Then i brought him to Next Step with Miranda
and it was great to share our potty news with her!
She got super excited and gave me a high five
and Marshall got doubles :)
I told her that he'd probably have to pee as he'd been
drinking a lot beforehand.
As i was leaving i heard Marshall tell Miranda "pee".
I left and when i came back to pick him up,
i was told that Marshall had gone pee TWO times with her!
How AWESOME is that?!!!
Now i know he will go anywhere
and with anyone,
and he is in a variety of places with different people
so i could not be more thrilled that he went
at school without me :D
We've been home now for almost 2 hours and Marshall
has gone pee twice in the potty.
It is SO great.
It was great to share the news with 2 other parents
at Next Step while we waited for our kids to come out.
Parents who understand the struggle it can
be with our autistic children...
wondering if they will ever be fully potty trained,
if they will have language or even sensory
abilities to tell and to feel when they have to go.
Well, Marshall is a success story!!
He will be 100% in no time,
i am confident of this,
and i am thankful.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Updates and Reports

As seems to be the trend these days,
Marshall is doing amazing in both schools!
I feel like there has been too much positive feedback
and i am just waiting for something
to go downhill.
I'd like to think that i'm a positive person,
but i like to be realistic also!
I am just soaking in all of the good and then
when the setbacks do come, and i'm sure they will,
i can remember the awesomeness
that has been this past month and a half!
A few accomplishments for Marshall at home
that i'd like to make note of:
He will now lay down in his bath to get his hair wet!!!
(not to wash, but just get it wet - huge deal for him).
Marshall's favourite diy flipflops broke this week
so he has been wearing his sandals.
The other day he didn't want my help and he
put them on all by himself!!!!!
He even knew to pull the strap to tighten
the velcro before he put it down.
I never knew he was watching me that closely!!
Now he just wants to put them on all the time,
like right now while he's watching Shrek
in his underwear. lol.
A few days ago we were leaving my parent's house
and Marshall, for whatever reason, decided
he wanted to put on his seatbelt himself!!
He has kinda tried in the past but then i help him
complete it. That day, he got mad when i tried
to help him and he continued to try
until he did it!!!
Our little boy is growing up!
Marshall is super big on drawing on the pavement
outside with chalk lately.
He is drawing a circle,
then eyes, a smile, a nose,
always 3 legs (lol)
and a few arms as well!!!
These little figures are all over our home
on both the ground as well as on paper :)
And of course, as i just shared,
Marshall peed in the potty this morning!
So much good eh?!!
It's been really exciting watching him grow and learn.
Yesterday i got to watch him at NS
for the last part of circle time.
Marshall was dancing away and doing the actions
to all of the songs... it was adorable.
Miranda has said to me that Marshall makes her job fun.
He is always checking in to see if she's watching him
when he's accomplished something,
and he just wants to learn and pushes himself until he gets it!
Miranda also said to me the other day that
"Marshall is so smart."
Wonderful to hear... i'm sure as M continues to grow
we will see just what kind of 'smart' he really is.
Autistic children can be very smart
and very computer savey...
and with the way M moves through my
touch-screen phone,
who knows!
At home, we have been having some struggles with Marshall.
Lately he is really into pestering his sister. lol.
Typical boy right?
It's actually kinda nice to see him 'engage' with her
when he covers her picture with his hand
and then waits for the anticipated reaction. lol.
M has been pestering her a lot, as well as his 2 girl cousins
who he sees often and who are his age.
Covering a picture is one thing...
but Marshall is also yelling in their faces,
pushing and hitting, and has
even bitten his sister on 2 occaisions.
He is not normally violent.
Even in these situations, his actions are not based
on anger, he thinks it's funny...
and he laughs and laughs
when the girls get upset and whine or cry.
lol. it's terrible and yet somewhat funny at times.
He is simply looking for a dramatic reaction,
and he's getting it.
I have been focusing on teaching D as well as my nieces
about how to not react as that seems
easier than telling Marshall "no" all day long...
but is that the best solution?
Probably not.
So far i have not had any reports of this behaviour at
school... and of course, you are always meaner to
your family than anyone else. lol.
Melissa was telling me about a seminar coming up
that deals with discipline for autistic children.
That will probably be helpful for me :)
Marshall has gone to preschool twice now and only for
an hour each day. Karen visited the classroom
on both days and wrote up a report based on
what she ....
Marshall just went pee #2 in the potty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...to continue...
a report on what Karen observed :)
It is so nice to see Marshall settle into preschool.
Areas of success:
Marshall chose to participate in a variety of
activities today. He demonstrated a great attention span
for some and stayed longer at others with the
use of visuals... he seemed to like these!
Nice joint attention in tree house corner
with Mary was observed.
Talking on the phone and eating a snack.
Marshall worked for a short time at the art table,
using a couple of markers. He drew on the back
independently and it looked like a person!? WOW.
A super class! We will slowly work towards
facilitating pier play.
For now Marshall seems happy navigating
the room and interacting with Mary.
At Next Step, Marshall has seen Kristie
who is an OT (occupational therapist) on 2 occaisions now.
Kristie wrote up reports each time.
Here is report #1 dated Aug. 18th,
so a month ago.
Marshall has recently started the NS program
and we are working at becoming familiar
with his skills.
Shape Sorter- M recognized the circle, but for other
shapes required assistance to find the hole
to put it in.
Puzzles- M was very good at the single insert
puzzles that have the picture painted
on the bottom. He was using his eyes to identify
the shape he was looking for. He also did the single
insert with no picture on the bottom, but this
was harder for him.
Fine Motor- M appears to have right hand dominance.
He can cross midline. He will change hands
during a task. He uses a palmar pronate grasp of
the crayon.
He repeatedly draws the same face shape,
starting with the eyes, adding the mouth and nose
and drawing a circle around it.
He also draws a straight line, bottom up,
with a round circle on top.
He does no imitating.
Marshall can stack 11 blocks. He will not copy
block designs.
Behaviour- initially M was cooperative and compliant.
He worked hard for half an hour and was given
a break. After the break it was
harder for him to settle down to work.
He makes his displeasure known by yelling.
I had to laugh at the last line
as it is all too familiar!!!
Here's the most recent report from Kristie
that i recieved this week.
Marshall is really making progress with adjusting
to the program.
Visual/spatial- M can do 6 piece puzzles and can do
9 piece with help. He did the 10 piece shape
sorter today with a bit of assistance.
This is great progress!
Self help- M is very motivated to do things for
himself. He can open his back pack,
take out his lunch bag and open the zipper.
He needs help to open the container,
and will look for help but needs prompting
to ask for help.
Toileting- has not yet begun, but M is talking
about going potty. He is probably
ready to begin.
(How cool to see progress already!!)
Gross Motor- M runs smoothly and climbs easily.
He occaisionally gets stuck and looks for
help but again needs prompting
to ask for it.
Fine Motor- M is showing good strength with
the clothes pegs.
So there you have it!
Perhaps these reports are of no interest to you,
but they are very exciting for me
and i am happy to have constant
documentation from different people who are
a part of Marshall's journey!!
In fact, i am so used to daily reports that it feels
so strange to pickup M's sister from Kindergarten
with nothing. lol. She comes out
smiling and i get to assume she had a wonderful day!! :)
Both the kiddies are doing amazing
and i am just so blessed to be their Mom!


I can't believe it.
I think i'm in a state of shock!
I am SOOO excited and i guess i am just overwhelmed
with joy that i now sit here crying
and i'm not even sure why.
I am so stinking proud of you Marshall!!!!
I am watching my son walk around proudly in his
"Buzz" undies and even though this morning was
just the first time, i know that he gets it and that he will only
succeed moving forward as far as toileting is concerned.
Man, i am so overwhelmed with emotions -
this is crazy. lol.
I have been waiting to find some time to blog about
preschool and seeing the OT at Next Step over
the past 3 days...
more positive things to share!!
And now i have this awesome pee-pee news
to share.
So there will be another post soon about school :)
The pee-pee story!!!
... this will not be for everybody so feel free
to stop reading now if you don't want details! :D
The past few days, Marshall has been 'holding it'...
in both senses of the phrase. lol.
As i've said, Marshall has been dry through the
night for a year already.
He typically wakes up and either pees in his diaper
before he comes into my bedroom (it's warm so i know
he just did it) or very shortly after being up.
Since Marshall has become a pro at the on and off diaper
business, he has been peeing a little bit
and each time, he wants to change his diaper...
so he's been going through at least 10 diapers a day.
It's been ridiculous... and costing a fortune.
(I save them for another time if it's just a dribble!!)
A few days ago, Marshall started holding his pee
in the morning. He starting talking a LOT about
"pee-pee" and holding himself to keep it in.
He was dancing around
for an hour in the morning
or even longer, talking about pee and looking
antsy to go, but he wouldn't come and sit on the toilet.
He was getting upset at the feeling of needing to go.
It's been frustrating for both of us.
In the end he would pee in his diaper and it would be FULL
and often wouldn't even hold it all so we'd have to change
his shorts as well.
He was waiting until 11am to go...
and then was holding it all day and would wait until
i put him in the bath around 6:30pm
to pee again (in the tub).
Twice a day, that's it.
I was getting concerned that this was unhealthy
and that he'd get a bladder infection or
Then yesterday i got him to come to the bathroom
in the morning (11am) to sit on the potty.
He did for his typical 10 seconds and then
came off and was freaking out.
Then i tried to set up the little potty that sits
on the floor, which is kinda too big for M and he never
took to it in the past (it is the girl kind and
i am scared of the possible firehose effect, so i've hardly used it).
Marshall got upset but showed me that he wanted the
seat part to sit on the big potty,
so i put it on there.
Then he wanted to sit...
and he sat on there for half an hour with a bit
of on and off.
He ended up peeing in his diaper right before school :(
I told Miranda of our morning on the potty
and she agreed with me that M is so close
and then she recommended i view a certain web video
on toileting.
Marshall had farted twice and said "poo" and
he was quite aware of what was going on...
and he even paused a few times
like he was concentrating and i thought
"Oh my word, he's going to pee!!"
But he didn't.
It was the first day in a long time that i had a glimmer of hope!
Then later on in the day, from 4-5:30pm,
that's right, an hour and a half,
Marshall was on and off the potty (mostly on).
It was kinda heartbreaking though as he
was dripping and had started to pee a very small amount,
but he was upset :(
He was crying and bouncing around on the potty
as if he felt that when he was peeing,
he was doing something wrong.
He wanted hugs and i was doing that while he was
sitting there, and i kept trying to explain
to him that it was ok to go pee.
That was yesterday... and he ended up peeing in his diaper
5 minutes after 5:30pm when we went outside.
First thing this morning,
Marshall held it again.
But today, he seemed to have to go already by 9am.
He jumped around holding himself and saying
"peepee" countless times.
I tried to get him to come and sit but he wasn't having it.
Then half an hour later, he was willing to
sit on the potty, but it was short lived.
I was on the phone with my sister and telling her
about yesterday's potty experience
while Marshall was on and off sitting.
Then he starting 'leaking'.
He was freaking out standing all funny and
in panic mode.
He'd done this several times already and was always
willing to let me help him back on the potty quickly,
to not pee in the potty.
But this time was different!!!
I hung up with my sister so i could really focus with
Marshall and he was sitting there
like normal, looking around and getting himself
distracted by things in the room.
He wasn't scared or panicky like yesterday.
Then after a few minutes,
he paused and i heard a few drops (!!!!!!)
and then Marshall said, "pee"
and i quietly said, "yes, pee, good boy, more?"
and he focused again,
said "pee" again,
and then he let it out... HE PEEEEEEEEED!!!
It was a lot. lol.
It slipped through the seats and my feet were getting
splattered a bit
(gross yes, but the best reason EVER to have to wash my feet!!)
and i remained calm and waited
until he was completely done before i got super
Marshall was happy and smiling and we called for
D to come over and get excited with us!
It was awesome.
There was no reward or toys laid out to bribe him...
as had been recommended, tried, and failed
in the past.
Marshall felt he had to go, and he went!
Our praise was enough for him :)
I got out Marshall's big boy undies and he picked the ones
he wanted to wear and then was adament
about putting them on himself.
Then Marshall ran over to the kitchen and grabbed
a bag of marshmellows and asked me, "mamellow"
to reward himself!! lol. crazy kid.
Yes son, you can eat all the marshmellows you want!!
Marshall has interupted
me twice in the past few minutes to go pee...
and i think he needs to do #2
and he is even working on that a bit it seems
when he's sitting on the potty!!
That will not be fun to clean up in underwear,
so here's to hoping we can continue to
have a super successful day
in the bathroom!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

First day of Preschool

Today was Marshall's first day of preschool at ACS.
One word for how Marshall did today?
It was just an hour long class today with only half of the
kids, so really relaxed and Marshall got to
spend time getting to know Mary, his aide.
At NS Marshall wears the same shoes he
comes in the whole time,
so i thought he might fight the idea of changing
into inside-shoes at preschool.
Marshall walked up to the hangers and hung
up his backpack like a pro!
Then he sat down and helped me take off his
shoes and then he helped me put on his indoor shoes.
I was impressed.
We walked into the classroom and he was greeted by
Mary and his two teachers, Julie and Debbie.
They all came over to say hi to him and
he was all smiles.
A new place with a busy space that could be
very overwhelming... just like at the eye doctor,
but did Marshall freak out and scream the
whole time? No.
Positive attention from the staff was poured onto
Marshall as soon as we walked in the door
and M was completely receptive to it.
How simple and wonderful :)
Debbie showed Marshall a photocopied picture of
himself which Marshall held and looked at for
a bit, then he did as directed and moved it to the 'here'
spot on the felt board!
I had been waiting for him to either throw the thing
or refuse to let it go... but he surprised me and did neither!
They had playdoh set up at the table and a little
girl was already playing and making some candles
for the cake pan.
Marshall walked over and started to blow out
the candles... lol... and in that moment,
he won over everyones hearts!
haha.. ok, maybe not quite, but everyone "awww"ed at him :)
I got down to Marshall's level and he knew what i
was going to say and he beat me to it, "bye!"
Just like that.
I got my hug, my kiss, and my i love you
all with a smile on M's face.
He waved bye to me again as i left.
Easy peasy!!... this time anyways.
They had coffee in the lobby for the parents
but most of them left or went outside so their other
children could play on the playground.
I met a really nice lady named Heidi
who's husband is a somebody at that school. lol.
I can't remember his name or his position,
but he did speak at the New Parent evening i attended
a few weeks ago.
It was great to connect with Heidi whose children are
in the elementary school,
and who also has worked with children with Autism
a lot over the years.
I was just down the hall from Marshall's classroom and
i didn't hear one outburst.
After the hour was up i walked back to the preschool
room and Marshall was happy!!
The teachers and the aide all said that Marshall
did great!
Marshall said proper goodbyes to Mary and then
he came with me to his cubby area just outside
of the classroom and once again, helped me
with his shoe exchange.
I'm so excited to see how Marshall adapts and grows
in his environment at preschool.
What a great start to something new!!
You rock Abbotford Christian Preschool!
You rock Marshall Man!!!!!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Eye Appointment Disaster

This morning i took Marshall to a recommended eye doctor who is
"great with all kids and super great with Autistic children".
This quote did not come from one source,
it came from several,
and even from some whose actual kids have been there...
whose normal kids have been there.
Our experience this morning? A joke.
This is my personal opinion of course,
and i'm not going to name names as that is not what
this blog is about (unless it's in a praise fashion).
I don't get angry often.
I'm just not an angry natured person.
If i was, i would have had an earfull for the
people at the dr.'s office today, but that's not me.
It is fair to say that after this morning i am feeling
frustrated and disappointed.
So here it is.
Marshall's appointment was for 11:55am.
In past experience, i have not had to wait very long to get in to
see the eye doctor... unlike at the physicians office.
Marshall had Next Step at 1pm, so i was
pretty confident that his 20 minute appointment would
not conflict with M's school start time.
Marshall was happy to hold my hand
and to walk into the office, even though it was unknown to him.
Then when we got to the desk we had to wait
for the lady in front of us to finish.
There were 3 receptionists. A recent visit for myself showed
that 2 of the receptionists were helping incoming clients,
and the third dealt with the phone lines.
So i kinda felt ignored when the second lady just
kept staring at her computer.
Waiting is hard for Marshall,
but he is capable of waiting for a short amount of time.
His time was up.
Marshall started screaming... he wanted "up" and did not
understand what we were doing there and why we
had to wait. It's a large area with tile flooring. lol. Echo city.
He was loud. The place wasn't super full, but
people were peeking out of their doorways down the
hall to see who was murdering my son. lol.
The person in front of us finally wraps up whatever it is
she was doing up there,
and then the computer staring lady offered to help me...
just as the first one was becoming available.
So i go over to her area and i'm still holding Marshall,
trying to rock him to keep him calm.
The receptionist looks at me and tells me,
"I have hearing aids so when he yells it's like AHHH!"
and she puts her hands up to her head and shakes
it all crazy like.
It's as if people don't think my head is going to blow,
like i can't hear how loud my son is.
I'm sorry that he is upset and that this is inconvenient for you.
Perhaps if you would've helped me sooner when it is
obvious my son is not happy,
you wouldn't be having blown ear drums!
Wait, if she has hearing aids, does that mean that they are already
blown? I have no idea. lol.
Ok, maybe i'm not being totally fair to her.
I possibly took her comment to the dark side. lol.
So she is asking me questions she had to enter into her computer
and Marshall keeps yelling so she can hardly hear
me and i can hardly hear myself.
Then she hands me a form i have to sign and another
piece of paper i need to fill out.
Marshall is reaching for the door and saying "car" but
will NOT let me put him down...
and i don't need him to scream any louder than he is already doing,
so i manage to kinda balance him on the desk while i sign
my name.
Then the receptionist told me i could sit down and fill out the
other paperwork while i waited.
Marshall sat with me and calmed down.
He even got off my lap to play a bit in the little play area.
Ahhhhh, quiet.
I gave back the paperwork to the desk and Marshall
was content to just sit around and play
with my phone, so things were settling down for him
and all was ok our world, for now.
Now, i have learned from past experiences,
that it is not a good idea to come early to
various appointments where waiting is required when it
involves Marshall.
Today, i was right on time.
So i expected Marshall would be seen fairly quickly
as we'd already been in the line for a while.
We waited.
And waited some more.
It was 12:20pm now, and i was starting to worry
that i wouldn't get out of there in time to get
Marshall to NS.
I asked the receptionist how much longer it would
be as i had somewhere else to be at 1pm and
i might have to reschedule this appointment
(this is how i try to sound annoyed without actually saying it!!).
She knew nothing.
So i waited another 5 mintues while she wandered around
and talked to someone, the dr. perhaps, i don't know.
Then she comes back and tells me that the Dr. is
running behind and should be out to see us in
about 5 mintues...
but that maybe we want to reschedule.
Are you kidding me?
I almost wished that Marshall had kept screaming that
whole time. They had to have known that the Dr.
was running a bit behind... a lot behind.
I was unimpressed.
I said that i would wait it out as i didn't want to have to come
back another day.
So i phoned NS to warn them that i would
most likely be late.
Then finally it was Marshall's turn.
It was 12:30pm.
The Dr. apologized for the wait and stated that
she had an emergency before us.
So there was an emergency and the staff wouldn`t have
informed me of that when i got there?
We walk into the Dr's room,
and it looks like a standard optomitrist room.
All the machines are within arms reach.
I guess i was out to lunch...
I thought that since this Dr. specialized in children,
that it would be a larger room with
techniques she could use to engage the children
in order to check their vision.
I never asked anyone, i suppose i should have.
The Dr. asked me to put Marshall on my lap
and to sit on the large chair.
Just like that.
Straight to 'work'.
The Dr. didn't talk to Marshall and barely even
acknowledged him.
I sat M on my lap and sat in the chair.
He was not happy.
He was reaching out to touch all of the equipment
and the Dr. says,
"Mommy needs to make sure there's no touching".
So now i am trying to kind of restrain M and he
is getting even more pissed off.
Then the Dr. asks when M was diagnosed
and asks if i have any concerns with M's
vision, which i do not, but that we thought we should
bring him in as his sister who is 2 years older
has been wearing glasses since age 2.
Marshall is still yelling and trying to get down during
this brief conversation.
Then, rather than trying to talk with Marshall or
engage with him in any way,
she puts on a slide show of pictures on the wall
and gives Marshall the remote to flick through
Marshall is interested... for like 5 seconds,
at the images on the wall.
The Dr. asks me where his language is at
and i tell her that he's at a 1 year old level.
Then she sees the picture on the wall is
one of 101 Dalmations and she asks Marshall,
"Can you count the puppies?"
I said, "He can't count"...
which is mostly true. He can count to three
but would only do it if he could touch
the puppies and i guided him through it.
The Dr. replies,
"I know he can't, i was just trying to get
his attention to look at the photo."
You were trying to "get his attention"
by asking him to do something he is incapable of doing?
Good efforts lady.
And what little boy wants to look at Snow White and some
super old school animals?
Marshall is often about figuring out how things work,
more than he is interested in actually playing with things.
This is an Autistic quality apparently...
although Daddy is a Millwright and is the same way :)
He was flicking the remote the Dr. gave him
repeatedly and quickly.
He didn't care about the photos, he was looking
behind him at the machine which was making noise
as it went through the pictures...
trying to figure it all out.
The Dr. says to me,
"Try to get him to slow down so he goes through the
slide show slowly."
Umm yeah.
Have you not noticed that he doesn't give a crap about
looking at your lame-ass pictures?
As Marshall is pushing the button as fast as he can
and looking all around the room,
the Dr. is flashing lights in his eyes and putting squeaky
toys in his face to get him to look at her.
It was so annoying... I was annoyed and ready to start
swatting all of it away.
Marshall was still trying to get down and yelling
during all of this.
Then the Dr. tried the yapping dog on the wall and
again, gave Marshall the controls!
Then the Dr. was asking me to show M how to turn it off
which i didn't even know how to,
Marshall was just so mad and screaming and you know what?
It was justified.
Scream away son, it won't work for Mommy
to start screaming, so you scream for both of us!!
Then the Dr. says to me after
our 4 mintues of maddness with her,
"He must be hungry and he looks tired,
we'll have to reschedule this appointment."
The Dr. said that there were no concerns about M's vision
from what she could see and that we should try again in 6 months.
The whole experience was so disappointing.
Marshall has been doing so awesome
in every aspect lately.
Yes he was upset and overwhelmed when we
walked into the office that day,
but he calmed down... and stayed calm
for half an hour while we waited.
The Dr. didn't even try as far as i'm concerned.
Marshall is so receptive to any kind of attention
or interest in him...
Marshall cannot be blamed for what happened today.
His behaviour was off the charts, this is true.
But what else can i expect from him at this time
when the Dr. was being completely unrelatable to him?
It was SO chaotic in that small space
and the Dr. continued to grab her squeeky toys like M
was some kind of baby, or dog. lol.
It's not actually funny, but what can you do but laugh
in these kinds of situations?
The Dr. put everything away and M and i got off the chair.
Marshall stopped freaking out.
He didn't run down the halls yelling, he looked at me
calmly and said, "hand" as he held his out :)
I took it and we walked out of there in peace.
It was quite the night-and-day experience.
The appointment was so short that we still had time to drive
thru McD's for Marshall's favourite - cheeseburger and pop
before we went to Next Step.
Marshall had a great day at school!!
Miranda commented that Marshall really likes to figure out how
things work, and that he learns so quickly!
She said she just loves working with him.
:D Happy face.
What a stressful hour in my otherwise pleasant day!! Sheesh!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Goodbye Warren, Hello Miranda

Before i get started on the main topic of this post,
i must share with you our exciting news!!
I couldn't hold it in so you facebookers
already know...
that the extra contract funding we were hopeful
to get for an aide for Marshall for preschool
has been approved!!! Yahoo!
It works out well for us as the other family who's son is involved
already has someone that they'd like to hire
so Marshall can have the aide assigned to him,
the aide that everyone seems to love and admire :)
Both Karen and Melissa were so happy on the
phone when they called yesterday.
I love when others can share in your joy with you!
So now my worried soul can rest. lol.
I actually wasn't that worried anymore.
I just gave it back to God in Faith and knew that there was a
plan in all of this that would become clear in time.
Well, look how God took care of it when i gave it
to Him!! Too bad it's not so easy all the time ;)
Anyways, i am happy.
And i know now in confidence that Marshall will succeed...
and that's a good feeling.
I have mentioned Marshall's interventionist, Warren,
throughout the past month as he's been working together
with Marshall at Next Step.
We love him.
Marshall has bonded so well with Warren and it brings me
such joy to watch Marshall's face (and Warren's)
light up when they see eachother every morning.
Warren is only a summer relief worker...
and summer is over :(
Marshall's progress has been so amazing at Next Step
and of course, Warren has played a big role in that.
It is sad that we had to say goodbye to him today.
And it makes me really sad to know that
Marshall doesn't understand that today was a different
kind of goodbye... it was not a 'see you later' kind
of goodbye.
When i bring M into his classroom each day, he comes with
me to hang up his backpack and he is constantly
looking past me towards the door,
waiting to see his friend
walk through the door.
Once he sees him, he is so happy!!
This past week especially.
M starts 'talking' away super excitedly and he is all
eager to say goodbye to me and to start his day with Warren.
I'm a little scared for next week.
On Tuesday Marshall will start with Miranda,
who from what i can tell, is great also.
But she's not Warren.
Marshall will be looking for a face that will not come
through that door... and he will be sad...
and then i'll be sad.
It will be an adjustment for both of us.
And i know it will be ok
after Marshall catches on...
but will he have a sense of abandonment?
Jeepers i hope not.
I'm getting sad already.
Miranda will be great and Marshall will love her the same in time.
Today we brought a photo i took of Warren and Marshall
that i took yesterday, along with a thank-you card
that D helped color.
Warren is leaving for Korea on a 1 year contract
to teach English as a second language.
He is a good guy.
Warren will bless many other children and families
with his caring heart, i am sure of it.
What an awesome first step at Next Step!!
We have been blessed to have Warren be a part of the
beginning of Marshall's journey with Autism.
Thank you Warren.
I've sent the link to this blog along with the card,
but i'm not sure if Warren is as in love with
us as we are with him. lol.
If you do chose to stop in and see how your little buddy is
doing Warren, I'd like to say Thank you, again,
for everything.