Saturday, September 17, 2011

Updates and Reports

As seems to be the trend these days,
Marshall is doing amazing in both schools!
I feel like there has been too much positive feedback
and i am just waiting for something
to go downhill.
I'd like to think that i'm a positive person,
but i like to be realistic also!
I am just soaking in all of the good and then
when the setbacks do come, and i'm sure they will,
i can remember the awesomeness
that has been this past month and a half!
A few accomplishments for Marshall at home
that i'd like to make note of:
He will now lay down in his bath to get his hair wet!!!
(not to wash, but just get it wet - huge deal for him).
Marshall's favourite diy flipflops broke this week
so he has been wearing his sandals.
The other day he didn't want my help and he
put them on all by himself!!!!!
He even knew to pull the strap to tighten
the velcro before he put it down.
I never knew he was watching me that closely!!
Now he just wants to put them on all the time,
like right now while he's watching Shrek
in his underwear. lol.
A few days ago we were leaving my parent's house
and Marshall, for whatever reason, decided
he wanted to put on his seatbelt himself!!
He has kinda tried in the past but then i help him
complete it. That day, he got mad when i tried
to help him and he continued to try
until he did it!!!
Our little boy is growing up!
Marshall is super big on drawing on the pavement
outside with chalk lately.
He is drawing a circle,
then eyes, a smile, a nose,
always 3 legs (lol)
and a few arms as well!!!
These little figures are all over our home
on both the ground as well as on paper :)
And of course, as i just shared,
Marshall peed in the potty this morning!
So much good eh?!!
It's been really exciting watching him grow and learn.
Yesterday i got to watch him at NS
for the last part of circle time.
Marshall was dancing away and doing the actions
to all of the songs... it was adorable.
Miranda has said to me that Marshall makes her job fun.
He is always checking in to see if she's watching him
when he's accomplished something,
and he just wants to learn and pushes himself until he gets it!
Miranda also said to me the other day that
"Marshall is so smart."
Wonderful to hear... i'm sure as M continues to grow
we will see just what kind of 'smart' he really is.
Autistic children can be very smart
and very computer savey...
and with the way M moves through my
touch-screen phone,
who knows!
At home, we have been having some struggles with Marshall.
Lately he is really into pestering his sister. lol.
Typical boy right?
It's actually kinda nice to see him 'engage' with her
when he covers her picture with his hand
and then waits for the anticipated reaction. lol.
M has been pestering her a lot, as well as his 2 girl cousins
who he sees often and who are his age.
Covering a picture is one thing...
but Marshall is also yelling in their faces,
pushing and hitting, and has
even bitten his sister on 2 occaisions.
He is not normally violent.
Even in these situations, his actions are not based
on anger, he thinks it's funny...
and he laughs and laughs
when the girls get upset and whine or cry.
lol. it's terrible and yet somewhat funny at times.
He is simply looking for a dramatic reaction,
and he's getting it.
I have been focusing on teaching D as well as my nieces
about how to not react as that seems
easier than telling Marshall "no" all day long...
but is that the best solution?
Probably not.
So far i have not had any reports of this behaviour at
school... and of course, you are always meaner to
your family than anyone else. lol.
Melissa was telling me about a seminar coming up
that deals with discipline for autistic children.
That will probably be helpful for me :)
Marshall has gone to preschool twice now and only for
an hour each day. Karen visited the classroom
on both days and wrote up a report based on
what she ....
Marshall just went pee #2 in the potty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! continue...
a report on what Karen observed :)
It is so nice to see Marshall settle into preschool.
Areas of success:
Marshall chose to participate in a variety of
activities today. He demonstrated a great attention span
for some and stayed longer at others with the
use of visuals... he seemed to like these!
Nice joint attention in tree house corner
with Mary was observed.
Talking on the phone and eating a snack.
Marshall worked for a short time at the art table,
using a couple of markers. He drew on the back
independently and it looked like a person!? WOW.
A super class! We will slowly work towards
facilitating pier play.
For now Marshall seems happy navigating
the room and interacting with Mary.
At Next Step, Marshall has seen Kristie
who is an OT (occupational therapist) on 2 occaisions now.
Kristie wrote up reports each time.
Here is report #1 dated Aug. 18th,
so a month ago.
Marshall has recently started the NS program
and we are working at becoming familiar
with his skills.
Shape Sorter- M recognized the circle, but for other
shapes required assistance to find the hole
to put it in.
Puzzles- M was very good at the single insert
puzzles that have the picture painted
on the bottom. He was using his eyes to identify
the shape he was looking for. He also did the single
insert with no picture on the bottom, but this
was harder for him.
Fine Motor- M appears to have right hand dominance.
He can cross midline. He will change hands
during a task. He uses a palmar pronate grasp of
the crayon.
He repeatedly draws the same face shape,
starting with the eyes, adding the mouth and nose
and drawing a circle around it.
He also draws a straight line, bottom up,
with a round circle on top.
He does no imitating.
Marshall can stack 11 blocks. He will not copy
block designs.
Behaviour- initially M was cooperative and compliant.
He worked hard for half an hour and was given
a break. After the break it was
harder for him to settle down to work.
He makes his displeasure known by yelling.
I had to laugh at the last line
as it is all too familiar!!!
Here's the most recent report from Kristie
that i recieved this week.
Marshall is really making progress with adjusting
to the program.
Visual/spatial- M can do 6 piece puzzles and can do
9 piece with help. He did the 10 piece shape
sorter today with a bit of assistance.
This is great progress!
Self help- M is very motivated to do things for
himself. He can open his back pack,
take out his lunch bag and open the zipper.
He needs help to open the container,
and will look for help but needs prompting
to ask for help.
Toileting- has not yet begun, but M is talking
about going potty. He is probably
ready to begin.
(How cool to see progress already!!)
Gross Motor- M runs smoothly and climbs easily.
He occaisionally gets stuck and looks for
help but again needs prompting
to ask for it.
Fine Motor- M is showing good strength with
the clothes pegs.
So there you have it!
Perhaps these reports are of no interest to you,
but they are very exciting for me
and i am happy to have constant
documentation from different people who are
a part of Marshall's journey!!
In fact, i am so used to daily reports that it feels
so strange to pickup M's sister from Kindergarten
with nothing. lol. She comes out
smiling and i get to assume she had a wonderful day!! :)
Both the kiddies are doing amazing
and i am just so blessed to be their Mom!

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