Monday, September 19, 2011

Potty TrainING

Marshall has had such success in regards to
potty training over the past few days i just have to talk
about it again!!
Saturday, the first day he decided that using the toilet
was for him, he peed 5 times and even did his
business once!
For a good month now, Marshall has been telling
me when he feels he has to either pee or poo.
He has not allowed for me to even take
him into the bathroom half the time, nevermind sit.
So last Saturday,
Marshall would do as he always does and would
tell me when he feels he needs to go...
but then he would actually come to sit
and he would actually go!
I have thought that Marshall has been dry through
the night for about a year already,
i tell everyone that.
But now i'm not so sure.
There are mornings where he comes into my room
completely dry, but then other days
he comes with a full fresh pee.
I have just assumed that he is only peeing in the
morning when he wakes up.
Well, both Saturday night and Sunday night,
Marshall peed in his bed.
I really didn't expect this!
So now i'm wondering if on those mornings when
he comes with a full diaper, if it is perhaps
his second pee in that diaper and that in fact,
he is actually going during the night.
I dunno.
This is all new to Marshall, going on the potty that is,
so perhaps he is peeing at night
just starting now.
He woke up each time and was quite upset about it :(
So, he will wear Pullups to bed for now.
Sunday morning Marshall reverted back to having
anxiety about peeing on the potty.
He was freaking out,
similar to what he'd been doing on Friday
when he had to go so badly, but wouldn't...
not in the potty anyways.
We had a busy Sunday with our Church Fall Kickoff
in the morning, so after he peed in his diaper
at home in the morning,
i kept him in a diaper for church.
He didn't ask to go once at church and we were there
for lunch as well.
We came home around 1:30pm
and I wanted Marshall to take a nap as we were heading
to my parents' to celebrate my Opa's birthday
that evening.
I tried to encourage Marshall to pee
before i put him to bed,
but he again was totally panicky and ended
up going in his diaper.
I was frustrated but not super upset...
M had such a great day yesterday and i knew he'd
get it back. I was hopeful it'd be sooner than later
of course.
At the birthday party, Marshall told me several times
he needed to pee, and so i took him to the potty.
He sat, he played around, he didn't pee.
He peed in his diaper :(
But then....
we came home and gave Marshall a bath.
During his bath he stood up and said, "ow"
and was grabbing by his bum.
I asked him, "poo-poos in the potty?"
He said, "potty".
He let me take him out and put him on the seat...
and he went poo!!
He was quite proud of himself :)
Then right before bed time he told me "pee" again and
so i took him and he went!!!
It was great to have a successful evening after a disappointing
day of toileting.
As i said, he did pee during the night in his bed.
Then this morning,
i was waiting to see where he was at...
and sure enough, around 9am he told me,
i took him, he peed!!
Then again at 11am.
Then i brought him to Next Step with Miranda
and it was great to share our potty news with her!
She got super excited and gave me a high five
and Marshall got doubles :)
I told her that he'd probably have to pee as he'd been
drinking a lot beforehand.
As i was leaving i heard Marshall tell Miranda "pee".
I left and when i came back to pick him up,
i was told that Marshall had gone pee TWO times with her!
How AWESOME is that?!!!
Now i know he will go anywhere
and with anyone,
and he is in a variety of places with different people
so i could not be more thrilled that he went
at school without me :D
We've been home now for almost 2 hours and Marshall
has gone pee twice in the potty.
It is SO great.
It was great to share the news with 2 other parents
at Next Step while we waited for our kids to come out.
Parents who understand the struggle it can
be with our autistic children...
wondering if they will ever be fully potty trained,
if they will have language or even sensory
abilities to tell and to feel when they have to go.
Well, Marshall is a success story!!
He will be 100% in no time,
i am confident of this,
and i am thankful.

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