Tuesday, September 13, 2011

First day of Preschool

Today was Marshall's first day of preschool at ACS.
One word for how Marshall did today?
It was just an hour long class today with only half of the
kids, so really relaxed and Marshall got to
spend time getting to know Mary, his aide.
At NS Marshall wears the same shoes he
comes in the whole time,
so i thought he might fight the idea of changing
into inside-shoes at preschool.
Marshall walked up to the hangers and hung
up his backpack like a pro!
Then he sat down and helped me take off his
shoes and then he helped me put on his indoor shoes.
I was impressed.
We walked into the classroom and he was greeted by
Mary and his two teachers, Julie and Debbie.
They all came over to say hi to him and
he was all smiles.
A new place with a busy space that could be
very overwhelming... just like at the eye doctor,
but did Marshall freak out and scream the
whole time? No.
Positive attention from the staff was poured onto
Marshall as soon as we walked in the door
and M was completely receptive to it.
How simple and wonderful :)
Debbie showed Marshall a photocopied picture of
himself which Marshall held and looked at for
a bit, then he did as directed and moved it to the 'here'
spot on the felt board!
I had been waiting for him to either throw the thing
or refuse to let it go... but he surprised me and did neither!
They had playdoh set up at the table and a little
girl was already playing and making some candles
for the cake pan.
Marshall walked over and started to blow out
the candles... lol... and in that moment,
he won over everyones hearts!
haha.. ok, maybe not quite, but everyone "awww"ed at him :)
I got down to Marshall's level and he knew what i
was going to say and he beat me to it, "bye!"
Just like that.
I got my hug, my kiss, and my i love you
all with a smile on M's face.
He waved bye to me again as i left.
Easy peasy!!... this time anyways.
They had coffee in the lobby for the parents
but most of them left or went outside so their other
children could play on the playground.
I met a really nice lady named Heidi
who's husband is a somebody at that school. lol.
I can't remember his name or his position,
but he did speak at the New Parent evening i attended
a few weeks ago.
It was great to connect with Heidi whose children are
in the elementary school,
and who also has worked with children with Autism
a lot over the years.
I was just down the hall from Marshall's classroom and
i didn't hear one outburst.
After the hour was up i walked back to the preschool
room and Marshall was happy!!
The teachers and the aide all said that Marshall
did great!
Marshall said proper goodbyes to Mary and then
he came with me to his cubby area just outside
of the classroom and once again, helped me
with his shoe exchange.
I'm so excited to see how Marshall adapts and grows
in his environment at preschool.
What a great start to something new!!
You rock Abbotford Christian Preschool!
You rock Marshall Man!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to read that things are going so well for Marshall! What a huge relief that must be for you. Way to go Marshall!
