Monday, August 8, 2011

Family Vacation- The Cabin

Last week my husband had a week off of work
so we took advantage of the time and
went to visit his brother, wife and 2 kids up
in Kamloops.
My sister in law's family has a cabin on Walloper Lake
near Laque le Jeune.
We have gone up and spent time at the cabin
every summer, but never with Marshall...
until now!
A new enviroment, new "no's",
new sleeping arrangement.... hmmm...
really had no idea how this was going to go over.
we decided that we would try and if it was going
terrible, we'd just come home, no biggie.
So Sunday morning all 5 of us drove up.
Marshall fell asleep as we pulled into
the driveway, so we let him nap a bit longer
which actually worked out well
as we were able to unload the van and sort
M woke up and as per usual, he was grumpy.
He sat with me in the lazy boy until he 'came to'
and then he explored the new space.
Their family dog Harley was there so Marshall
was excited about that :)
M wandered around and we set up boundaries for him
and for the most part, he didn't fight anything.
The main area of caution for Marshall is the deck.
They have built in seating all around the deck which is
2 stories off the ground.
He was never out there alone.
He loved to stand on the deck and look out at the
"waer" (water) and point!
He also pointed to the "boat" constantly.
On the second day, Uncle S, Daddy and I took M out
on the boat.
Marshall was excited to put on his life jacket and
was happy walking down to the dock,
but then we started to get into the boat...
the unstable, rocky boat,
and Marshall started freaking out.
I wasn't stressed out but
was just kinda laughing as i figured he'd get over
it soon enough.
S started up the motor and we headed out further
on the lake.
Marshall was not impressed...
but he didn't know what he wanted either.
He was going back and forth from Dad and myself,
he was pointing at the fishing rods
and grabbing the oars and
just looked very overwhelmed.
We stopped the motor and got out the fishing
rod which M held briefly.
Uncle S caught a little fish for Marshall which
M thought was pretty cool.
Marshall came to touch it and pulled away quickly
and said, "yuck". lol.
Then we unhooked it and M really wanted to hold it.
So we gave him the slippery fish and he held it
in his hand.
He looked at it for a short moment,
the went to the side of the boat and
tossed it back into the water. lol.
Our little environmentalist ;)
One of my main concerns about going away from
everything familiar at home,
was the sleeping part.
The little kids and i actually slept in an RV on the
property. I wanted to have a quiet
place to take them if needed,
and then also, i could keep them in there in the
mornings to let everyone else sleep in a bit.
We set up M's bed where the table turns into a bed.
I brought ALL of his bedding and most of his
bed things/toys that he always has.
He was a little freaked out
so i layed down with him and rubbed his head until
he fell asleep.
He slept through the night the first night
and so did D!!
I was paranoid about them waking up and so
every noise had me alert. lol. I didn't sleep at all
the first night.
Both the second and third night Marshall fell asleep
on his own while i read my book in my bed,
but during both those nights
M woke up at 3am and came into my bed!
He has never done this at home.
I expected him to cry if he woke up and i would soothe
him back to sleep in his bed.
So this was strange.
He simply crawled in on his own,
layed down beside me,
and fell back asleep.
But hey, he slept!!
I even got him to take a nap in one of the bedrooms
in the cabin the one day he needed it!
The last day there we went to a relatives farm to
see all of his birds... peacocks, pheasants, chickens, doves etc.
Marshall enjoyed that briefly but then
ventured down to the water and Daddy basically
chased him around the whole time.
There was a hilly area of grass and we all
enjoyed watching M happily rolling around on it. lol.
M crashed most of the drive home :)
It was a great adventure!!
Marshall did much better than i expected,
which makes me happy.
I am realizing that keeping my expectations low
creates a happier turn out! lol.
I will be less hesitant to take the kids, aka Marshall,
away for a night or two after
this successful trip! Yeah!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Marshall! So happy to hear that it was a positive experience for all of you :) xo
