Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Pre-Preschool Meeting

Yesterday i met with the ACS Preschool teachers,
Julie and Debbie.
First impressions? Love them both!
This meeting was set in place to talk about Marshall-
who he is and what he likes,
our goals for him for his first preschool year.
Both Melissa and Karen from the FVCDC
were at the meeting as well.
The aide is not back from her 10 month contract
so she was not able to attend.
Karen had a bit of a bombshell for me, for everyone,
at the meeting yesterday.
Marshall will not have his own aide.
PCHOOO!!! (bomb sound) lol.
There is another little boy with Autism in Marshall's class
and due to lack of funding, the two boys will
be sharing 1 aide.
Since all of this talk of preschool for Marshall already
now for the past year, i have been told that he
would qualify for an aide, his own aide.
Knowing my son, i have said time and time again that if
Marshall does not have an aide, that
i will not even put him in preschool.
It would feel as if i was setting him up for failure...
and i am not a big advocate for 3 year olds
to be in preschool anyways,
but i understand the benefits for Marshall with all of his
delays, and how having an aide in this social setting
will help Marshall to improve.
And now i find out that one-on-one attention is
out the window.
My initial reaction? I wanted to cry.
I started to get teary eyed and choked up, but i managed
to save the real tears for after the meeting
when Melissa and i talked in the parking lot for an hour.
I'm not sure why i felt so emotional.
I think it was just overwhelming for me to have a new thought,
a new thing to worry about.
I have been excited and curious to see how Marshall will do
at preschool, and i was confident that with
the help of an aide, he would do well.
And now i'm not so sure.
Both of the preschool teachers who are very in tune
with special needs children and support
their integration into their classroom,
were not pleased to hear about the shared aide idea.
Debbie stated almost right aways,
"I am sharing from my heart...
I don't think it is fair to those two little boys,
I don't think it's fair to the aide,
(even though she has tons of experience and they love her
and have worked with her before)
and also, it's not fair to us as their teachers."
I agree.
Karen felt terrible to have to give us this news.
She said that she was still going to try and
figure something out, and that she would come and fill in
when it worked with her schedule.
Karen also said that there might be funding to contract out
an aide, which would mean that ACS would have
to find someone to fill the 4 hours a week slot...
i can't imagine that's an easy task,
and the teachers did not offer any comfort words about
this scenario. It would have been great
if they would've said,
"Oh yes, we have several contacts that we could call
if the funding is provided"
or something along those lines.
But they looked concerned about finding someone.
So after this discussion about the shared aide came to a close,
the teachers wanted to hear all about Marshall.
My head was somewhere else... panic mode i think. lol.
So Karen and Melissa started to talk about M
and eventually i was able to join in.
The teachers were very happy to hear about Marshall's
progress at Next Step. In talking about
M we were all smiles and had a few laughs which was great.
Both teachers said that they were excited to meet
Marshall and were looking forward to having him in their class.
It felt genuine :)
Now i am feeling... well, everything feels up in the air again,
which i don't like.
Everyone at the table agreed that we needed to just pray
that everything would work out.
It's true. Prayer and a little Faith.
Sounds simple doesn't it?
Boy i tell you, God has been testing my Faith more so
in the past year than he has my entire life...
and it's not fun! lol.
A journey of Faith is something that i've talked about my whole
life, but had no idea what i was even saying
now that i look back on it.
It's ironic that my last post praises Marshall and how well
he is doing at school,
how well he is doing in general.
After the initial shock of the shared aide scenario,
i am optimistic about the whole situation.
Marshall might be ok with a shared aide.
Thankfully, it is slow integration
and the class is split into two groups,
so the aide can work with just Marshall for
an hour each of the two days that first week.
Maybe this will be enough??
Then the following week it will be the two full hours sharing the aide.
It's scary.
And it will definitely be an adventure for the staff involved. lol.
We shall see.

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