Thursday, August 18, 2011

Fall Schedule at NS

I am happy to report that Marshall has been walking
on his own each time both to and from school (well,
from the car to the classroom)!
Yesterday as well as today,
Marshall did not shed a tear or even get a sad face
when i said my goodbyes to him!!
He waved and said "bye-bye"
to me at a distance and i had to ask him for a hug.
Can you believe that?!
I was pretty excited yesterday and M did the
same thing today :)
So how they work out the scheduling at Next Step
is like this. (And they redo it for summer
and possibly in the new year (i can't remember) again.)
What they do is they take your first, second and third
choice for time slots, and then they
try to accomidate each family's first choices.
I believe there are about 12 families
as there are 3 different time slots per day and
about 4 kids in each class.
This does not seem like an easy task!
Today i recieved Marshall's time slot for September
and it is our first choice!! Yeah! 1-3pm
I spoke with Janel a few weeks back and she said that
she felt i should put the 10-12pm as my first choice.
She seemed to be pushing that a bit actually.
Marshall is going to ACS preschool 2 days a week
and with that 10-12 slot, Janel suggested
that i take M out of preschool an hour early each day.
He's only there for two hours.
He has no hope of bonding with his aide and i'm sure the
preschool wouldn't support me taking him out each time,
and i'm not fond of the idea either.
The impression i got from Janel was that M
will do better in her program than at a preschool,
so i should take him out.
This may be true,
but i don't want to close that preschool door just yet.
If the slot we were given was the 10-12pm one,
then we would most likely take M out of preschool
alltogether... which means that D doesn't need to be
in this private school which just messes up
everything... God would be playing
some mean game with us to change it up after everything
is in place!! lol.
Danny and i feel that it is in Marshall's best
interest to do both NS and preschool.
Of course, the problem with M ending his day at
3pm (2:50pm is pickup), is figuring
out how i can pickup the girls from school at the end of the day.
Well, after stressing and mulling over every option,
we are deciding to take D out of preschool 10
minutes early on her two/three days of the week.
I don't think that this will ruin her K experience,
and it will give Marshall the most help
which is definitely a priority.
I am hopeful that when i meet with D's
teacher and the school, that they will be supportive
and understanding of this request,
or rather, demand.
D is done class at exactly 2:50pm, so it is the only option
as i have no one else who could pickup D from school,
nor do i want someone else doing it every time.
B who is in grade 7 this year is done school
at 3:08pm, but only gets out the door around
3:15pm, so i should be able to grab her
on time as i am always in the car leaving NS by the end
time, which will be 3pm in September.
And even if i end up being a bit late, B is old enough
to hang out at the school without worry
(the bus kids only get picked up after 3:15pm).
I also found out today
that Marshall will no longer be working with
Warren, which is disappointing
as he has really grown fond of him in these two weeks.
Warren is not a year round employee i have found out..
He worked for NS last summer and is in school during the
year. So he will be done again at the end of the month.
Marshall's new interventionist will be Miranda.
I met Miranda on the first day that M and i visited
the classroom and i really liked her.
She was super friendly and sat and talked with me
for a while and made me feel really comfortable.
I'm sure Marshall will grow fond of her also,
and that he will continue to do well in this program.
Miranda is there now, so she is not a completely
new face for M which is a good thing.
Marshall was up for about an hour in the middle of
the night last night which is weird for him as
he is a really good sleeper.
But it is not completely new for him to do this either.
He was talking and laughing. lol.
I tried to lay with him at 4am to get him to go
back down, but ended up abandoning him
(he didn't care)
to go back to my bed and sleep while he continued
to chat and play until he fell back asleep about an hour later.
This morning he seems to have a bit of a runny
nose and i'm pretty sure he's got a cold
coming on. I have been sneezing and feeling the same
nose business since i woke up this morning.
It is inevitable.
I hate it.
After last Winter when we had the flu in this house
with both kids and myself back and forth
for about a month, i will take a cold
and almost celebrate the simplicity of it.
Runny nose? wipe it.
Stuffed up? tylenol
Tired? extra naps
Easy peasy.
Puking - fevers- diarrhea?
Be thankful i only started blogging in June! lol.
Praise the Lord for another sunshiny day!

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