Monday, August 15, 2011

Week 1 NS, Airshow, updates

Last Thursday when i picked Marshall up
from Next Step, he wasn't happy.
I guess i was 2 minutes late and M didn't like seeing
the other kids leaving and me not being there.
Warren said that M was testing a lot that day,
so there was a lot of yelling and being upset when he couldn't
have what he wanted or
go where he wanted.
This is what i get a LOT of at home.
I took Marshall home and he was ....
crabby. We'll just say that.
It was pretty bad.
He was super clingy and constantly
crying and whining and screaming. I couldn't even make dinner.
I put him down for a nap as he just seemed so
not himself and overwhelmed or something,
and he did sleep.
I figured once he woke up he'd be in better spirits.
He was not.
It was up there with one of the worst days
where nothing makes M happy,
nothing meets his needs,
and nothing allows for him to feel content.
I guess it was payback for the intense,
unlikeable session with Warren earlier in the day? lol.
Anyways.... a day i will not dwell on or think about now that
the words are on this page.
On Friday when i picked up Marshall from Next Step,
Warren was really happy and said that
Marshall had such a good day!!!!!!
He also said that it has
been a really great week for Marshall with adjusting
overall and he seemed eager to work with
M more the following week (today).
That is what i felt and it is just so adorable watching
Marshall really understand praise
and shrug his shoulders as if he is almost
bashful about recieving it.
Marshall is still doing the really sad teary-eyed
goodbyes... which are so hard.
This morning he did it again.
But he doesn't get mad or throw a fit,
he says goodbye and stays with Warren as I walk out
the door. It's hard but totally doable.
This weekend Marshall did really well!!
The rest of Marshall's Friday was really awesome.
He has been saying airplane, "aipone"
for a long time already, but all of a sudden,
he's saying "aipLane" (minus the 'r')...
it is so cute!!!
Most of Marshall's words are not very clear,
but anyone can know what he is saying
when he says airplane now, which is awesome.
Marshall has been following directions really well recently
as well. We went to the Abbotsford Airshow
on Saturday and M stayed on the blanketed area and
he was quite clingy for me which was
kind of annoying cause it was hot out,
but he looked at the planes and wasn't freaked
out by the loud jets which was great!
This was the first time we've gone
to the airshow.
I've gone as a kid, but the little kids and my hubby never have.
Marshall was happy to sit in the stroller as we
ventured over to meet my sis and my 2 brothers in the area
they'd been sitting in for a while already near the runway.
It was really warm, clear sunny skies,
but windy... which was a huge blessing.
My husband bought some slurpees for us which
is always a favourte for Marshall.
He liked the planes but wasn't super interested in
just sitting calmly during the dead spots.
He played with my nieces camera quite a bit,
and later on in the day i set up a blanket
off of his stroller to create some shade for the kids.
Marshall decided that wrapping himself
in the large quilt would be more fun. lol.
It was hot and i was waiting for him to fall asleep
under there... or pass out!!
He didn`t, but crashed for the drive home of course.
Daddy entertained the kids by laying down
on the blanket for majority of the day
while they climbed all over him. lol.
We had not planned to go the the Airshow.
For one, it is not a big interest for us.
The jets fly over our house during the day so we see
enough to keep the kids happy.
Secondly, being in a crowded place where it`s hot,
where Marshall is expected to sit for hours on end
with minimal enterainment does not
sound like a fun challenge .
But thanks to my
sis and bro-in-law for giving us a carload pass into
the Airshow, we couldn`t say no to FREE!!
And Marshall did really well...
i really don`t mind being proved wrong in these
A pretty good afternoon :)
Last week Marshall opened the fridge and asked me for
some chocolate milk... i won't even try to
spell it how he says it cause it isn't even close. lol.
He points to the jug so i know.
I asked him, "where is your cup? go find your cup M."
He came into the livingroom area and looked
around briefly before it dawned on him.
He turned around and went out the slider into the backyard
and ran straight to his cup which he'd placed on the ground
behind a patio chair! wow!!
That was impressive.
Marshall has a pair of sandals and a pair of flipflops
that have the strap at the back.
Recently M has been trying to put on the flipflops himself
and now he does it like a pro!
A few days ago my sis and her kids were over
and i was telling my sister C that Marshall can put on his own
flipflops. The kids were coloring nearby.
At the time M was barefoot.
I didn't clue in at all, but M ran into the house for a few minutes
and then came out of the house over to Auntie C
with his flipflopped-feet and was holding up
his foot in the air to my sister showing her his flipflop!!
What??!! He must have heard me and
wanted to show her first hand and get praise for it??!
I was so surprised that he was listening
to our conversation as he has such a one-way track mind.
Pretty cool.
Potty training has taken a turn.
Marshall is not interested in sitting on the potty for longer
than 10 seconds anymore.
I've tried using some food rewards but M just gets
really angry that i won't give it to him
and he runs out of the bathroom screaming.
Marshall is really into taking his wet diaper off and putting
on a dry one this past week.
He doesn't even tell me he needs to pee most times,
he just goes in his diaper and then he
asks "pee pee" and grabs at his diaper
which is, "can i take my diaper off?"
I will say, "yes, off"
and he'll happily take it off.
The exciting part for Marshall is that he now understands
putting things in the garbage. lol.
I remember when Devyn thought it was fun to
put garbage away around a year and a half.
M is excited about doing this now at 3.
He will often just take off his dry diaper to put into
the garbage (which i go back and fish out after)
and he comes over all excited seeking praise from me.
He is a master now at putting a diaper on and does
so with pride and confidence.
I don't know...
I have been slacking a bit with getting him onto the potty.
I know he could be potty trained if he wanted to be.
It is such a fight now that i'm giving it a rest
and will pickup on it again in a month or something.
With typical kids it is always said that
'Potty training is easy if you wait until they're ready'.
I know Marshall is showing me all of the ready signs,
but perhaps a little break from the daily struggle
will bring back interest in the potty for him,
and also, a new round of energy and positive
attitude for me :)
OH!!! I almost forgot! Last night during Marshall's bath
that he went into willingly and 'swam' for half an hour in,
he took the lufa from me and washed himself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He was happy to do so!!! What?!!!
Progress, gotta love it!
This post is a bit of everything which is bothersome
to me because it feels unorganized. lol.
Oh well, it was a really enjoyable weekend with
a mostly happy M, who by the way, also did really
well at church on Sunday as well as out for lunch with my family.
Almost normal. lol.
I'll take it!

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