Monday, August 29, 2011

Life is good!

I don't have any one thing or specific event
to share at this time.
And that is a good thing, i think!
I feel more led to 'vent' when there are hard days,
days when i struggle,
days when Marshall struggles.
Things have been going really well around here!
Marshall has been at Next Step now for 3 weeks and today
he started his 4th week.
He is doing so well there!!!
Each and every day Warren reports of progress.
Sure there are some days when W tells
me that Marshall was testing a lot,
but overall, he's learning and listening and just doing
("awesome" - a word that Warren uses often that M has picked up
on and repeated after him last week! so cute.)
I of course, could not be happier :)
Today after school i spoke with Warren for a bit
and he agreed that each day has been better than the
one before and we have not had a 'bad day',
no set-backs... as of yet.
Warren reported today at how Marshall is doing so well
during circle time, even doing the actions and everything!
Last week i didn't hear M screaming through
the circle at the end of the day... which he has been doing
and also running around.
Now he participates.
Warren told me that it was so great last week when they
took all four kids outside
and they all played on the same play structure and
were chasing eachother around having fun
together :)
Warren also said today that each child in the program
works at their own pace, and that Marshall
is working at a fast pace... meaning
that he is learning, adjusting and adapting
more easily than what is typical.
He said that he has been so impressed with how
Marshall doesn't become angry with
transitions anymore and how
he knows what's going on from one thing to the next
and how he does what's expected.
How great is all of this to hear!!
He has only been there for 3 weeks!!
I am very curious to see
how Marshall will do in preschool after adjusting so well
at Next Step. I have a feeling he is going to
thrive in every environment.
After all, he is a genius in his own fashion ;)
Awww... i am so stinking proud of that kid!
This past week has been great.
Marshall did AMAZING at my Uncle's pool again this
past week. He waited patiently until i cleaned the
pool, got him dressed and sunscreened up
before walking in on his own and walking off the steps
and into the water on his own!!
(with a life jacket and tube of course)
It was a proud moment and it was so great to just sit
back and watch him kicking his little legs with
his sister and cousins and just having a great time!
Being a normal kid...
whatever 'normal' even means these days i'm not entirely sure,
but you get my drift :)
It's been a good week (have i said that enough already? lol)
and i'm excited for the week ahead!
Our only struggles at this time are still the potty
training bit, and also the amount of yelling
that Marshall is still doing...
both when he's happy and when he's not.
I can take a few struggles with the amount of accomplishments
Marshall is making on a daily basis.
Way to go Buddy!
"I love you MORE"
lol... a new game Marshall loves to play with me :)

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