Thursday, August 11, 2011

White Rock

Last year we went as a family of 5 to White Rock
for the first time. My parents (Nana and Grandpa) came along also.
Marshall loved it there.
I had bought him some water shoes as i was
worried that he wouldn't like the sand.
Earlier that summer he'd freak out if one of those playground pebbles would get between his toes. He actually did not like the water shoes
and was totally ok to run around barefoot.
The tide was out that day so there was so much room to just run...
Marshall was in his glory!!
It was great for us cause it wasn't busy there due to
quite a few clouds and a lot of wind,
but we didn't mind that it was cool.
Also, it meant that M could run pretty far away from us
without concern cause we could see him
a mile away!
Marshall stood mid-shin in the ocean and became a
statue. lol.
Nana stood there with Marshall as he was completely
still and just watched the sunshine
reflect off of the waves as they came towards him,
repeatedly hitting his legs.
He seemed so peaceful.
He stood there for an HOUR!!
I suppose this should have been a big Austism red-flag,
and looking back now it makes sense that Marshall
was in his own world.
I got him to come out of the water to eat.
Fish and Chips is always on the menu when we head to
White Rock.
So we all sat down on a blanket with our boxes
of greasy fish and chips and loads of tarter sauce - yum!
Marshall sat down and ate well...
and soon the seagulls found us,
tons of seagulls.
I hate that!! It gives me such an uneasy feeling having
those dumb birds flying overhead and walking
right up to the blanket.
You can't scare them away!
My Dad decided to start feeding them, oh joy.
But actually, it was really fun to watch!
He went away from us a bit and stood with his arm
up in the air with a french fry.
The birds were grabbing the fries from
Grandpa's hand.
Marshall loved the seagulls - go figure.
At first he didn't seem to,
but after Grandpa started feeding them and they
were surrounding him,
M was in there like a dirty shirt running all around
and 'chasing' the birds and laughing and smiling
and just having a great time. lol.
The train drove past too
which Marshall thought was awesome.
It was a wonderful day!
We only took happiness away from that adventure
and have been excited to go again this summer.
This past weekend, we did :)
We looked ahead and saw that the tide was not going to
be out in the time frame that worked for us,
but due to my husband working a lot
and also the timing of doing big family days only when
my step daughter is with us,
we just had to make use of this 'free' day and hoped
we would have some sand to play on for even
a short period of time.
We got to White rock around noon
and the tide was pretty far in and coming,
but there was some sand still available so we found a spot
(a spot that we kept having to move back of course)
and started to play!
Marshall was very whiny.
He walked to the beach fine and seemed to like
the environments, but he didn't
want to play in the sand.
He didn't want to go into the water.
He did go in briefly,
but was very upset when the bottom of his shorts got wet.
Then he went pee, a lot, in his diaper and i forgot the
diapers in the van which was far away,
so he was unhappy about that.
We took off the diaper and just let him go
free in his shorts which he was ok with.
He wanted me to carry him and cuddle him
the whole time.
It wasn't fun.
The train even came by which he pointed at and said
"train", but he didn't even really care.
We had just done the waterslides the day before
so perhaps he was still tired from that long day in the sun,
i dunno.
Then i started to dig a hole and we'd get buckets of water
and fill the hole.
Marshall thought this was fun - finally, something that
isn't whining!
So he had a good time dumping the water in the hole
and then throwing/pushing the sand back into
the water.
Daddy dug a trail both out to the ocean, as well
as away from it and then let the waves push the water
into our canal, and also kept dumping
buckets of water...
he was really into this activity.
So we had about an hour where Marshall was really
into the beach experience and seemed
to enjoy himself. Yeah!
Then he was done.
The tide was coming in quickly and so we headed back
to get our fish and chips.
Marshall didn't want to walk and was freaking out,
so i had to carry him for 10 minutes as we walked back to
where the van was parked.
If you remember, my body was broken from the slides,
so this was quite painful for me. lol.
We got to the car and i put dry shorts on Marshall,
got our blankets and pop,
and set up on the grass near the walkway.
Daddy brought over the fish and chips and we all
enjoyed some lunch.
The birds were not present this year :)
We chilled on the blankets for a bit.
Marshall kept pointing out the "waer" and at the "boat"s.
The weather was perfect.
The all of a sudden Marshall took an interest in the
people walking along the pathway.
He stood up and he started waving at everyone! lol.
It was adorable and hilarious too :)
He would wave well in advance and look right at them,
really engaging which is awesome,
and everyone waved back!
We were all just laughing at the cuteness of it all...
B was taking video and i got some good still shots of it too.
It was great to end the day on a good note!
Next time we head out
we will be sure to go when the tide is out for longer
and then to actually 'set up camp' there.
So this ends our very busy week of adventure!
It was chaotic, but fun, and i'm happy to have positive memories
with the family i am sooo blessed to have.

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